Residence|There are now more than one million rental homes in Finland, says Statistics Finland. About 1.58 million people live in them.
The summary is made by artificial intelligence and checked by a human.
In Finland, the limit of one million rental homes was broken last year.
36 percent of all apartments are now rented.
More than 80 percent of those under 30 chose rented housing.
in Finland broke the limit of one million rental homes last year.
At the end of the year, just under 1.02 million housing units lived on rent. The apartment is referred to to all persons permanently living in the same apartment, such as a family. Translated into the number of people, it makes 1.58 million inhabitants.
About that says Statistics Finland.
36 percent of all apartments are now rented. According to Statistics Finland, there is an increase of six percentage points until 2010.
In the statistics, people under 30 years of age stand out, with more than four out of five of their apartments choosing a rented room.
In owner-occupied apartments on the other hand, there were approximately 1.74 million housing units.
It covers 61 percent of all housing units, and in terms of number of people means 3.75 million inhabitants.
The number of other forms of ownership, such as right-of-occupancy apartments, is in a slight decline. At the end of last year, there were more than 80,000 apartments.
HS Vision found out this week the profitability of rental housing. In general, in Finland it has been thought that owning is more profitable than renting.
During the previous two years, the situation has turned around, at least in the capital region, because the increase in the cost of owner-occupied housing together with interest rates has eaten away the advantage.
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