One of the keys to maintaining a good health is hygiene. Therefore, it is important to take care in our day to day, even with the gestures that a priori They can be more innocent.
“Although they are apparently harmless, they can have serious consequences,” explains the pharmaceutical debbie grayson to The Sun. These are some of those dangerous practices.
Hour your nose
The gesture of nosetypical of children (and not so children), entails its dangers: “The skin inside the nose is delicate and has a great supply of blood vessels that are close to the surface,” says Grayson.
Hurry up your nose can often damage skin and blood vessels, in addition to increasing the risk of nasal bleeding. In addition, your fingers transport germs and, when you rough your nose, you transfer those germs to your nostrils.
This can cause bacterial infections such as nasal vestibulitis, A skin infection around nostrils or more serious conditions such as sinuses infections.
And vice versa: touch other surfaces or even mouth and eyes after the nose can spread viruses or bacteriawhich increases the risk of diseases such as cold or flu.
“Sneeze in the hands can do not catch all droplets; Some can pass between the fingers because bacteria and viruses are tiny, “says Debbie Grayson.
The hands are one of the main roads of propagation of germs, Therefore, when sneezing on them, you transfer viruses or bacteria (such as those of a cold, a flu or even the COVID-19) directly to Las Palmas.
Sneezing in the hands can contaminate common surfaces such as doors, phones or keyboards. This creates A cross contamination cycleputting others at risk of contracting those germs.
Take shoes at home
In many countries in northern Europe and Asia, it is customary to take off your shoes to enter home, even in foreign homes. But in Spain it is not so, although carrying outdoor footwear at home is a practice not recommended.
Shoes can collect a wide variety of bacteria, germs and other unpleasant substances of the surfaces on which we walk.
Among the bacteria we can put at home is E. coliwhich can cause infections in the intestine, as well as the bacteria Clostridium difficilewhich can be collected from the bathrooms and cause diarrhea, in addition to parasites of the feces and pesticides that we can find in any city.
“If these enter your body, you can finish suffering nausea, vomiting and diarrhea severA “, adds Grayson.
Bag on surfaces
We arrive from the supermarket and place The purchase bags at the dining table or the countertop: error. These bags may have been in contact with germs and other substances and transfer to surfaces. This also happens with bags or backpacks.
If we pose purchase bags or bags at the dining table or in the kitchen, it is important Clean the surface very well before eating or cooking on it.
Take on the ears
Use the fingers or even cotton swabs To clean your ears you can increase the risk of damaging the delicate components of the ear, especially the eardrum, an extremely thin membrane.
It also increases the risk of pushing the wax into the ear and blocking it even more. This can increase the risk of suffering Tinnitus, a buzz or beep in the ears.
Take hair from the eyelashes
Drinking the eyelashes repeatedly can cause them to weaken, become brittle or even fall. And if you do it with the dirty hands or nailsYou can cause infections.
Some examples are blepharitis, eyelid inflammation; conjunctivitis, the infection of the transparent membrane that covers the eyelid and the eyeball; and even orzuelos, which are painful protuberances in the eyelid caused by infected glands.
Clean nails with cards
It is possible that, seeing some dirt under the nails, we turn to the first we find to clean them, such as The edges of a credit card or a card.
Not only can we cortar us, but we run the risk of Enter bacteria in the area, increasing the risk of infection.
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