Hemorrhoids or almorranas are simply swollen veins located at the bottom of the rectum and in the anus. They can be external or internal and may be caused for various reasons. They are annoying, bleed and cause itching. It is a very frequent ailment and in fact most of the population suffers at some time in life.
Causes of hemorrhoids
Pressure increase
In order for hemorrhoids, they have to swell their veins, many times due to a pressure that causes an increase in size.
There are various reasons:
– Pressure when intestinal evacuation occurs.
– Frequent diarrhea.
– Constipation.
– Obesity.
– Low fiber diet.
– Pregnancy.
– Anal sex.
– It is not convenient to be sitting long when intestinal evacuation occurs.
Hemorrhoid symptoms
Typical symptomatology
There are very common and easy to see symptoms:
– Small blood losses during evacuation (it is the clearest symptom).
– Itching in the anus.
– Irritation.
– Inflammation or swelling.
There are three types of hemorrhoids:
– Internal. They are inside the rectum and are difficult to detect because they do not usually cause pain.
– External. They are located under the skin in the anus area and bleed.
– Thrombosada. They cause intense itching and continued pain. They form a small lump.
Diagnosis of hemorrhoids
Visual exploration
Normally, to make the diagnosis, only a visual exploration is required, but sometimes the doctor uses a digital exploration that consists of introducing a finger into the anus to try to detect possible packages.
It is less frequent, but sometimes a rectoscope or colonoscopy is performed. This last test is necessary when the doctor believes that there is a risk of having colorectal cancer or some other disease of the digestive system.
Treatment and medication of hemorrhoids
Tips for relieving discomfort
It is not usually necessary to resort to very complicated treatments. It is simply to follow very simple guidelines on a regular basis.
– Take paracetamol or ibuprofen.
– Consume fiber foods to combat constipation.
– Application of creams.
– Use soft hygienic paper.
– Take care of hygiene from the anus zone.
– Clean the anal area with hot water and complement that cleaning with the application of ice bags for brief periods of time.
It is rare that hemorrhoids are very bleeding, but if this happens the doctor can inject a liquid that contains a chemical solution to undo them. In an extreme case you can resort to surgery.
Hemorrhoid prevention
Healthy diet
The best prevention for hemorrhoids is to have healthy eating and always keep the body hydrated.
– Drink a lot of water and fruit juices.
– Diet rich in fiber with a lot of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
– Do not wait too long to go to the bathroom as soon as we feel minimally need.
– Control constipation and prevent it from lasting for many days.
– Exercise frequently.
– Try not to be sitting in a row.
– Do not make strength and contain breath when evacuating.
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