Hemangioma is a birth mark that looks like a bright red bulk, formed by additional blood vessels in the skin. They appear during the first year of life and disappear as time passes.
Generally, hemangioma arises in the head or back, but may appear anywhere in the body, and do not need treatment.
Causes of hemangioma
Additional blood vessels
Hemangioma is made up of additional blood vessels than usual. Hereditary factors are involved in their training.
Hemangioma symptoms
Appears during the first months of life
Hemangioma can arise at birth, but the usual thing is that it appears during the first months of life. It is a small red lump that is growing during the first year. Then, enter a stability phase and finally refer before the age of ten.
Diagnosis of hemangioma
Visual exam
The diagnosis is based on the patient’s visual examination. It does not require most of the cases of additional analysis.
Hemangioma treatment and medication
Frequently the treatment is not necessary
In most cases, hemangioma does not need treatment. Only if it causes other health problems, it is necessary to intervene. For example, if hemangioma causes vision or breathing problems, a complementary treatment must be proposed. Beta -blochant or corticosteroid medicines can be prescribed. In extreme cases surgery is used.
Hemangioma prevention
There is no preventive method
There is no method of hemangioma prevention.
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