“He is hospitalized, he needs to be operated on” Fear for Alba Parietti: the situation seems to be serious

Moments of anguish and apprehension for Alba Parietti. The showgirl and her beloved dog Venghi had a very rough time together. The showgirl, through her social networks, shared the dramatic event with her followers, describing the suffering of her “four-legged son” and the imminent surgery she will have to undergo.

Come, like what it means to all of us a four-legged companion, is more than just a pet. For Alba Parietti it represents a fundamental pillar of his life. For 15 years, her faithful companion has been at her side, offering her comfort and support in difficult times, above all the loss of her mother. Their bond goes beyond simple affection, taking on the contours of a deep friendship and unconditional love.

Alba Parietti victim of an accident with the dog

There news of the accident it shocked Alba Parietti, who described with touching words her concern and sadness for the suffering of her beloved Venghi. The fracture of two legs made surgery necessary, a delicate operation that really requires a lot of resistance and patience for her little dog.

With a heartfelt appeal, the showgirl wanted to share with her followers a positive thought for Venghi in this difficult moment. Many gestures of solidarity and closeness have been received, all demonstrating how much we understand this moment of difficulty and apprehension.

Venghi's story moved the web, provoking a great wave of support messages and best wishes for a speedy recovery. Not only fans and followers, but also numerous personalities from the world of entertainment have expressed their closeness to Alba Parietti and her beloved dog.

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In addition to the pain of the accident, between the lines of Alba Parietti we can also read a message from awareness on the importance of caring for animals with respect. In some way, words that remind everyone that animals must first of all be understood and not treated as “objects”:

My parents taught me how much unconditional love, friendship, relief, companionship and comfort animals give and I think that we humans should respect and love them for their purity. […] A special thank you to all those who helped us, to those who felt sorry despite everything, because no animal is bad even if it attacks, either by nature or out of fear.

Everyone's hope is that Venghi will overcome the surgery brilliantly and will soon be able to run and play alongside his beloved human again. What everyone hopes for is a return to normality, a victory not only for Venghi, but for Alba Parietti's entire family.

The article “He is hospitalized, he needs surgery” Fear for Alba Parietti: the situation seems to be serious comes from Bigodino.

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