In the last five years, the number of students who study professional training in Spain has grown by 29%, and there are more than one million. This is, in part, to the high percentage of employability of the graduates in FP: more than half of those who have completed a training cycle find work the following year to finish their studies. Some data that show why they take professional training is the First option of thousands of studentsand that are added to other indicators that consolidate the FP as a guarantee of the future: almost half of the job offers published in Spain, 43%, correspond to jobs for professional training graduates.
ILERNAthe leading fp firm in Spain with more than 50 years of experience, offers a training offer adapted to the needs of the labor market, and among its More than 40 official training cycles They highlight the areas most demanded by companies: health, computer science and communications, administration and management, sociocultural services and the community or trade and marketing, among others.
Recently, Illerna has also incorporated the branch of the branch of Building and Civil Worksto respond to the growing need for professionals in this sector. An offer that, combined with personalized attention and an eminently practical methodology, gives students the skills necessary to develop professionally and apply the knowledge acquired from day one.
Three education modalities
To achieve this adaptation, Ilerna has three modalities: online, online with face -to -face and face -to -face support. The first allows to combine studies with work, thus facilitating conciliation. To achieve this, Illerna’s teaching team is in constant contact with students Through the Virtual Campus, where you can also follow videoclasses at any time and creating their own work pace. In addition, for those who do not have full availability but do not want to live a face -to -face learning, the online modality with face -to -face support offers the possibility of attending practical classes in the centers.
Classes include all kinds of practical content
In face -to -face mode, Illerna has a network of 12 centers distributed throughout Spain, and has recently reinforced its presence in Madrid with a new center in Rivas, equipped with more than 3,000 square meters of modern facilities and advanced equipment. This adds to the center located in Julián Camarillo, in the San Blas neighborhood, and between the two offer more than twenty official professional training titles of six different families. Endowed with Teams and facilities toein the ilerna centers students can train in a real work environment, and do so accompanied by an expert teaching team in their respective fields.
Illerna will be present in the Classroom of Madrid from March 26 to 30, where it will offer workshops and various demonstrations so that attendees experience in first person some of the processes and techniques that students learn in the classroom.
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