Google Maps It is one of the most popular applications in the world of navigation that uses real -time traffic information to find the best route, informs about gasoline prices, among other utility functions.
Now, with the aim of continuing to help drivers, a New icon in ‘Z’ in some cities in Spain that can prevent you from paying a fine. Therefore, we will explain what it means and how it works.
What does the new icon in ‘Z’ of Google Maps mean?
Specifically, it is a blue circular icon that contains a black letter z in color that indicates the Low emissions areas (Zbe) for which we can or may not circulate with our car. In these places, a regulation is applied that restricts to the entry of more polluting vehicles and from Google They have believed convenient to indicate what they are.
The icon will tell us whether or not we can enter our car according to the type of engine and seniority, and it will appear at the time we schedule a route that passes through one of these areas. That is to say, The name of the zbe will be shown to us along with a shaded area which we have to pass if our car complies with the regulations and has the corresponding label.

In addition to the fact that it is very good, since drivers can know some of them, but not all that exist in our country, you can also Avoid receiving a fine if our vehicle cannot circulate in which areas. At the moment, this icon appears in cities such as Madrid or Barcelona, although not in Seville and this does have low emissions areas.
In Spain, they are 149 municipalities that house these types of areasso Google Maps will gradually add them. So until they are all registered, you will have to check very well where you can and where our car cannot enter. The new icon will arrive so much to Android as iOSbut not in the web version and it is unknown if it will.
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