With the appearance of mobile phones, we have the possibility of storing thousands of memories on our small screens without having to reveal them. We can use them whenever we want and when the device’s internal storage space runs out, the cloud allows us to expand it.
The Apple brand offers several monthly rates to its users so that they can save their images in iCloud. In Spain, these packs range from 50 GB to 2 TB, the equivalent of 2,000GB.
Woman recording another woman cooking
Although 2TB seems infinite, the high quality of the images captured by current phone cameras and the amount of images and videos that are stored since the first Apple product is purchased makes this figure quite achievable in the long term. However, there are tricks and applications that allow you to expand the space for free. The one we reveal below allows you to save up to a million photos on the iPhone without taking up space in either the cloud or the device’s internal storage.
Shared albums let you share images with people you choose who have Apple ID
The key is in shared albums. These albums allow you to share photos and videos with the people you choose, as long as they have an Apple ID. According to the limits established on the company’s support website, each album has a maximum storage capacity of 5,000 photos and up to 200 can be created per person.
All images are saved in the cloud without taking up your iCloud space
In addition, each person can subscribe to a maximum of 200 albums created by other users, so if we count the ones that can be created per person and to which you can subscribe, you will have the capacity to store up to 2 million photos. All images are saved in the cloud without taking up your iCloud space. Still don’t know how to create them? We explain it to you step by step:
How to create a shared album
Open the “Photos” app, go to the “Albums” section and slide the screen down until you find “Shared Albums”
Press “create new shared album”
Add a name to the shared album and choose the people you want to share it with. You can also create it exclusively for yourself.
Once you have created it, select the “+” sign to add all the images you want and when you have them ready, click “publish.”
You must keep in mind that, although you can add a total of 5,000 photos to the album, you can only upload 1,000 photos per hour per person and a total of 10,000 photos per day. So if you have a lot of images to save, you will have to be patient and organize them on different days.
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