It was two years ago when in Spain the new law that prohibited commercial calls without prior consent, that is, the typical spam call that you received (normally to undone) to try to sell you a product or service.
It is a fact that Teleopero companies performed a very aggressive marketing, in which most of the time The potential customer ended up hanging angry by time and moment in which they called him to sell him something he did not want. But not only that, but this You could repeat several times on the same day.
This regulation had the complement to the Robinson list, a service to allow citizens to reject advertising through unwanted calls, messages or emails. But even so, and although This type of calls have been greatly reducedusers continue to suffer.
For that reason, since January 31, 2025 there is a new alternative platform to the Robinson list to fight unwanted advertising called Stop Advertising list, which has just received green light from the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD).
What is and how to sign up for the Stop Advertising list
Stop Advertising list, as its name indicates is a advertising exclusion file which has the great addition, and main difference with the already existing Robinson list, that Not only allows you to block phone calls, but also acts with accounts and profiles in social networks and messaging apps.
As we said, this service It has just been approved by the AEPD, Since this possibility of tackling accounts and profiles in social networks, raises several difficulties on user privacy. And it is that the Spanish company behind this list had failed up to three previous occasions to receive the AEPD approval for this same reason. But it seems that now your plan does It has managed to convince and achieve the privacy standards of said agency.
Register in this service is very simple, fast and free Whenever you are not a company (in that case, you have to pay a subscription). To do this, you just have to access your website And fill out a form with your data and services that you want to block, such as phone, SMS, mails, postal addresses and social networks.
Once registeredit will not be up to 30 days after this service arises effect And you begin to notice the difference. It is certainly good news for users, since it is another tool to combat unwanted advertising and try to end it forever.
#Goodbye #telephone #spam #app #great #ally #unwanted #advertising