Pedro Sánchez seems to be achieving his objective or, at least, to the gallery: realigning all the federations under the yoke of La Moncloa. Even the most wayward ones. This is the case of Castilla-La Mancha or Extremadura. “The Government of Spain is the Government of hope,” said the general secretary of the Extremaduran socialists, Miguel Ángel Gallardo, at the closing of the XV Congress XIII Regional Congress of the PSOE, addressing the president of the Government, whom he affectionately addressed referred to at all times as “dear Pedro.” What’s more, Gallardo added: “When there is a Government of Spain chaired by a socialist like Pedro Sánchez, the minimum interprofessional wage (SMI), pensions, rights are increased because it is a brave Government that seeks solutions.”
The President of the Government made this Sunday in Extremadura the third stop of his tour of the territorial congresses of the PSOE that will take him throughout the Spanish geography, except Catalonia, which follows its own rhythm. After his visit to Asturias on Friday with Adrián Barbón and that on Saturday to Castilla-La Mancha with Emiliano García-Page, one of the barons most critical of Sanchismo, if not the most, the leader of the socialists has stopped in Plasencia , surrounded by strong security measures, to accompany the PSOE of Extremadura and its general secretary, Miguel Ángel Gallardo, another of the wayward ones, who has just revalidated his position.
Critical from the beginning of the concert for Catalonia with which the investiture of Salvador Illa in Catalonia was agreed, Gallardo said he positioned himself “radically” against this new transfer of the PSOE to the independence movement because, he noted at the time, “the key to the “The State must always have the box.” Some criticism that he raised even in the Federal Committee, the highest body between congresses of the PSOE, along the lines of Barbón or Page.
However, no sign of them this Sunday. Sánchez wanted to stage at the 15th Regional Congress of the PSOE of Extremadura with Gallardo, as he did with the Castilian president just 24 hours before, an image of strength and unity. Although the differences have been notable. While Page and the Chief Executive did not even sit together in the auditorium, he did do the pertinent thing with the Extremadura native. Not only that, but Pedro Sánchez arrived at the Plasencia Conference Center at around 12:00, very smiling and hand in hand with Gallardo himself. Already in the room, which took five minutes of clock time to access the socialist leader interrupted at every step he took by kisses, hugs and handshakes from the militancy, he also sat next to former president Fernández-Vara, current head of Politics Territorial of the National Executive of the PSOE, to whom the public has dedicated a loud ovation of several minutes.
After falling out with Sánchez and claiming to be prepared “to gain and regain the trust of the electorate in 2027”, Gallardo has given way to the leader of the Executive, who before saying a word has given him “the strength of the entire Spanish PSOE.” Sánchez has once again resorted in Extremadura to what has become a regular feature of the Wednesday control sessions in the Congress of Deputies: the covers of ‘The Economist’. On this occasion, he has once again taken pride in the fact that Spain has been named by this English publication as the best economy in the world. «What explains this 180ºC turn? The political and ideological collapse of neoliberalism and the resurgence of social democracy,” said Sánchez.
Between a pat on the back and another for having managed to “dismantle the old neoliberal theory in the last six years, like a house of cards”, the socialist leader has taken the opportunity to throw a dart at the PP and especially at its president, Alberto Núñez. Feijóo: «I don’t know very well where Feijóo is. It must be that he does not act as head of the opposition either because he does not want to,” he exclaimed and then assured that the popular “does nothing but noise”, above all, he said with irony, “in the gatherings of these media outlets.” who love us so much” and “it gives the impression that Spain is going to hell when we are the best economy in the world.” But “if we turn off the noise – he continued – the opposition is absolute nothing and we will see how Spain goes: wind in our sails and full sail in economic matters, in social matters, and in matters of social and territorial cohesion. The more the opposition complains, it is the sign that we are doing well,” he concluded.
Recent primary process
Miguel Ángel Gallardo revalidated the position of general secretary of the PSOE of Extremadura just a week ago. He did it without surprises. After the departure of Guillermo Fernández-Vara, at the head of the Extremadura federation for 15 years, Gallardo was elected in the primaries on March 2, which he won with 56 percent of the votes against Lara Garlito, the closest candidate. to the former president of the Board. Last weekend, he once again managed to win with more than 62 percent of the vote. On this occasion, Esther Gutiérrez was measured.
Gallardo is the mayor of the six absolute majorities in Villanueva de la Serena (Badajoz). A position that he combined since 2015 with the Presidency of the Badajoz Provincial Council, with three terms in office already behind him. In fact, he was one of the promoters of the merger with Don Benito, a project in stalemate after Siempre Don Benito, a party opposed to the union, took over the mayor’s office after the municipal elections of 28-M thanks to a pact with the PP. Now, he has committed to leaving the Provincial Council to oppose the current president of the Extremadura Regional Government, the popular María Guardiola.
#Gallardo #full #praise #Sánchez #clash #Catalan #quota #Government #hope