Marc Roma’s life took a turn on May 11, 2024. The young driver, only 15 years old, son of the Dakar Rally motorcycle and car champion, Nani Roma, suffered a very serious accident when he was competing in the European motocross championship in Lugo.
A tragic fall caused Marc suffers from paraplegia of the T3-T4 vertebrae. He lost mobility in his legs and began a difficult path, mainly on a psychological level. It was not easy for him and his family to face such a hard blow.
“An accident, many gray days in an ICU, many things not understood, many life lessons ahead. In short, a change that no one is prepared for. And the first lesson is that you have to fight. I will fight to improve every day, to be strong and to return home soon. I am going to fight for myself, for my family and my friends, for my body and to move forward. And that’s how I’m going to improve myself,” he highlighted in his first publication on social networks two months after that fateful day.
Despite his youth and the harsh consequences, just three months later, Marc Roma left his wheelchair to experience the most “inexplicable” sensation of his life: walk again thanks to an exoskeleton.
At the beginning of September, the athlete shared with his followers one of his first times with this device: “I have fallen a few times, and I have gotten up again. This time too, different, but I also get up again. And so I will continue, learning, improving, adapting and rising. A lot of road ahead, a lot of progress to make, many people who accompany me and I can only thank you. There are easier days and days that cost more, so thank you all for being there.”
His smile that day was revealing. Marc regained the feeling of looking someone in the eyes face to faceto move without having to sit in your wheelchair. And, furthermore, it was the prelude to his first steps in the sport after his accident.
Recently, in the program Tot es mou from 3Cat, Marc explained what he has felt since that moment: “When you have an accident like this and you are in a chair, it changes your life. You see everyone walking and you can’t. Then you can walk again. With different sensations, but you see everyone again at the same height. “You have the sensation of walking and it is inexplicable.”
Just a few days later, Roma ventured to test bicycles adapted for people with paraplegia with Albert LloveraAndorran pilot who was left in a wheelchair after a skiing accident.
Marc’s positivity in the face of problems comes from his blood. To his father, Nani, Bladder cancer was detected in March 2022went through all the stages of the disease, from the operation to the chemo sessions and, still, he continues to bring out the good side of everything.
And Nani Roma, now cured of that cancer, considers that “Sometimes in life things come as they come and you must accept them even if they are sometimes difficult. We also cannot change what has happened, it is better to move forward. In our lives we have always had to get ahead. What is clear is what has happened, but today we live and tomorrow we will see. Live to the fullest and as you can.”
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