The former senator of Compromís Carles Mulet has asked the court to archive the proceedings opened for the insults and death threats he received on social networks after the person who anonymously uttered said expletives has publicly apologized, after being identified by the Guard Civil and face a trial. The politician explains it is an X account (formerly Twitter). The far-right organization España 2000 reproduced the threats on its networks
In January 2023, the then Castellón senator, 49 years old, celebrated the removal of the Francoist monuments of the Cross from the Ribalta park in Castelló de la Plana, in compliance with the Historical Memory Law, and said in a message on networks “Now , for that of the Valley of the Fallen; that one, with dynamite.”
Shortly after, Mulet received threats and insults on social networks: “You are the son of a bitch who wants to plant a bomb in the Valley of the Fallen… Well, I’m going to tell you one thing: look under your car every day. in case you or your bitch wife has it. We know where you live, so don’t provoke if you don’t want to be in a casket or go to a funeral” (sic). The politician brought the facts to the attention of the Civil Guard, to whom he thanks the speed of his action.
A “senior” is going to threaten my family and my family when I was in public. The excellent work of the Civil Guard will be located immediately. Despite a prou movie tour, advised by the good criteria of the best advocate, @monicaoltra_ we decided..
— Carles Mulet Garcia (@carlesmulet) June 5, 2024
Advised by his lawyer, the former leader of his group, Mónica Oltra, made the decision to request a dismissal. “You could get two years and whatever reparation I asked for. We have shown that we are not like them. This happens to a charge to a charge of the establishment and opens the news. It is not about punitivism, nor an eye for an eye, it does not repair the damage, but I hope it serves so that the subject never does it again with people who are neither public nor anonymous, and that it serves as a warning to others like him.”
Oltra has been and continues to be the constant object of insults and threats on social networks by the extreme right, mainly, not only during the period of time in which she was charged for the case that investigated an alleged attempt to cover up the abuse case. sexual acts that affected her ex-husband on the part of the former Valencian vice president of the Generalitat and counselor of Inclusion. The judge closed the case after not finding a single indication of a crime in a lawsuit in which the prosecution was made up of different representatives of the extreme right, in addition to the victim of the abuse.
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In Mulet’s writing, sent to the Investigative Court number 3 of Castelló de la Plana, the text of repentance that the author of the insults spread on his profile and on that of the far-right organization España 2000 is reproduced.
The apology reads like this: “At the time, I published on this social network insults and serious death threats against the then most excellent senator, Mr. Carles Mulet García, and against his family. This publication is not protected by any fundamental right or freedom and, however, it does personally harm and violates the rights of Mr. Mulet and his family. I understand that this way of proceeding has no place in a democratic state and breaks the rules of peaceful coexistence. For this reason, I want to express here, on this same social network, my regret for what I wrote and publicly apologize for it as a way to repair the moral damage that I inflicted on Mr. Mulet and his family.
For this reason, in the letter to the judge, Mulet’s representation emphasizes that “he understands that from the published content it is inferred that the person under investigation has assumed the seriousness of his actions, the illegality of a behavior that has no place in a democratic state and has “I sincerely apologize for this to Mr. Mulet and his family.”
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