In 1997, the iconic animated series X Men came to an end, with a conclusion that left more questions than answers. For almost 30 years, fans have been waiting for a sequel to this production, and their wishes will finally come true in just one month, since Marvel has revealed the first trailer for X-Men '97and confirmed its release date on Disney+.
As the name implies, X-Men '97 is a direct continuation of the events of the 90s animated series. Here, the Mutants will have to face new challenges caused by the death of Charles Xavier, the fact that Magneto has become their leader, and Mister Sinister's attempts to destroy this group of heroes. This was what Brad Winderbaum, director of Streaming, Television and Animation at Marvel Studios, commented when announcing X-Men '97:
“This is the first X-Men title produced by Marvel Studios. What an amazing first step in reintroducing audiences to the X-Men. -Men with a look at one of the greatest eras of X-Men comics, which were the 90s.
Although at the moment it is unknown who will play the mutants in the Spanish dub, those who are familiar with the original voices in English You will be able to recognize multiple actors reprising their roles, such as Cal Dood reprising his role as Wolverine.
This is Marvel Studios' first production with the X-Men property after Disney bought Fox. Although we have already seen a series of references and cameos from the X-Men in the MCU, such as Charles Xavier in Doctor Stranger and the Multiverse of Madness, This series will finally give us a good idea of how this company will handle these characters.. Along with this, the show is expected to give us an idea of how these characters will join the main MCU universe.
There are still many doubts about X-Men '97. Let us remember that the original animated series not only had stories focused on these mutants, but also presented us with an extensive animated universe, where characters like Spider-Man, Captian America, Iron Man, and other Marvel heroes had a participation, for example. what will be interesting to see whether this production will also have a vast universe, or will only focus on the protagonists we already know.
Finally, it has been confirmed that X-Men '97 will premiere on Disney+ on March 20, 2024. The series will have 10 episodes, and at the moment it is unknown if we will see a new one every week, or if, like Echo, they will all be available in a single day. On related topics, these are some of the villains who will appear in X-Men '97. Likewise, a leak reveals that multiple X-Men games would come to the PlayStation 5.
Editor's Note:
This is one of Marvel's most anticipated series. However, many hope that this production goes beyond simply being something nostalgic, and manages to offer a series of stories that are worthwhile for all fans of these characters and the original show.
Via: Marvel.
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