Ferraz culminates the purge in the City of Santiago and expels its four critical councilors of militancy

The Directorate of the Socialist Party has taken the last step against the four councilors who have resisted the movements of the local secretary, Aitor Bouza, to achieve a resignation that gave him entry as a councilor in the City Council of the capital of Galicia. The movement, backed by the federal executive, leaves the socialists to the edge of irrelevance in the City Council, with only two councilors of the six they obtained in the last local elections. Gonzalo Muiños, Mila Castro, Marta Álvarez and Mercedes Rosón have been expelled from militancy provisionally. Now they have three days to present allegations but nothing indicates that they have possibilities that the socialist dome changes their minds on the purge launched to Bouza’s initiative.

The decision is justified by the “refusal to appoint the municipal spokesman agreed by the local direction,” Gumersindo Guinarte, replacing Gonzalo Muiños, one of the critics with the local direction. The origin of the conflict dates back to June 26. That day the PSOE in the City Council decided to support an initiative of the BNG and Compostela Aberta that raised limits to tourist homes in a city threatened by tourist overflow and with an obvious problem of access to rent for its citizens. The party’s leadership ordered their councilors to refrain and they preferred to disobey.

As indicated by the Provincial Directorate of the PSOE in A Coruña, this decision is part of the provisions of article 95.1 of the PSOE Statutes, which “allows the provisional expulsion” of the party when it acts “against expressly adopted agreements by the management bodies “, as well as when” there are assumptions of severely irregular actions that in the opinion of the Federal Executive Commission deserve such a measure. ”

The four councilors now have a period of three days to be able to reach the federal executive the allegations and discharge tests they estimate appropriate. After this period, the party indicates that it will act in accordance with the provisions of the regulation, which states that the expulsion may be ratified, raising it to definitive; The provisional suspension in precautionary suspension of militancy may be converted by sending the actions to the competent body for the processing of the disciplinary file; or the dismissal of the file and the archive of the actions.

The Provincial Directorate maintains that the sanctions for which the expulsion is motivated are framed in the breach of serious and very serious offenses of the socialist regulations, fundamentally the “obstruction to the work and decisions of the organs of the party” and “action, by Action or omission, against agreements adopted by the management bodies of the party that affect the institutions ”. To the elderly, in the case of Councilor Gonzalo Muíños, the “very serious” sanction of performing public or assimilated positions without the express authorization of the competent bodies of the party is also included.

If the expulsion is definitive, the councilors will become not assigned in the Compostela Municipal Corporation, which will imply the loss of economic assignments that until now had attributed, although they will be entitled to diets. So far, as sources consulted by Europa Press have indicated, Gonzalo Muíños as a spokesman had an exclusive dedication in the City Council, while Mercedes Rosón and Mila Castro held a partial dedication of just over 60%.

The municipal secretary: “The spokesman is designated by the group”

Ferraz’s resolution is known shortly after the report that the Discolos had requested the Secretary of the City Council was made public. In that document it is explained that they will have the status of non -assigned councilors who are sanctioned with “firm expulsion” of the party with which they attended the elections.

The other issue referred to the group’s spokesman, for which the PSOE designated Sindo Guinarte while the rebel councilors continued to support Muños, which was the trigger for his expulsion. According to the official’s report, “it is the members of the Political Group who designate the spokesman, with the obligation to communicate it later to the presidency of the Plenary.”

The expelled feel endorsed by the technical-legal report. On the one hand, because they consider that Muíños – affected by a suspension before which there was a resource, not by a definitive expulsion – remained a socialist councilor and, therefore, the change of spokesman decreed by the party of the party was not “justification”. That was the reason, they say, for which they did not attend the meeting called for Guinarte to ratify themselves in office.

“Now, for not complying with a null call of full right and for not supporting a change of municipal spokesman that was not based on anything more than a suspension of militancy that was not even firm, Gonzalo Muiños, Mercedes Rosón, Mercedes Rosón, is provisionally expelled Mila Castro and Marta Álvarez ”, something that, as they write in a statement, consider“ at least incongruous ”.

“A few can win a battle, but we all lose the war”

The first reaction to expulsion came from the municipality of Ames, bordering Santiago. Its mayor, the historic socialist Blas García, wrote on the social network X: “There are things that have difficult explanation for those who are part of the PSDEG, so for citizens even more. A few can win a battle, but we all lose the war. Gonzalo, Mila, Mercedes and Marta were always and will be socialists.

Since the conflict began, Garcia expressed concern about the drag effect that the compostelam crisis can have in socialist votes throughout the region, a territory that is key for the PSOE-BNG bipartite to continue governing the deputation of A Coruña.

#Ferraz #culminates #purge #City #Santiago #expels #critical #councilors #militancy

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