The leader of the PP has advanced this Friday in Barcelona some of the measures that the popular party will present to influence the “main problem that affects Spaniards” and is related to access to housing. Basically, Alberto Núñez Feijóo ha … pointed out that “the Government has legislated to divide” and that if the measures contained in this plan, which will be sent to Pedro Sánchez’s Executive, are not taken into account by the PSOE, it will implement them when the change occurs in Moncloa because, has pointed out, “this legislature does not give more of itself.”
Feijóo, who has traveled to Barcelona to meet with representatives of the housing sector, has advanced three of the measures of the plan that he has defined as “serious, ambitious and designed to solve real problems.” The PP has proposed creating a state rental guarantee fund, which “protects the security of tenants and owners” as well as establishing non-payment insurance for those under 40 years of age; that the youths have facilities with a guarantee to pay the rental contract, which will be the responsibility of the Official Credit Institute; and the bonus of up to 75% of the rental income to owners “if they put rental apartments on the market that have been closed for at least two years.”
The opposition leader has recognized that “housing is today a national emergency” and that this issue is of such magnitude that the Government cannot resolve it alone, although he has criticized that all the measures adopted by the socialist Executive have been aimed at worsen the situation: «The Government has failed». And he gave as an example that the rental price has risen by 400 euros on average, while the supply of rental apartments has plummeted by 15% and “squatting has skyrocketed.”
Along these lines, he has regretted that, from his point of view, the legislation protects squatters and inquiokupaswhich is why he has assured that his desire “is to make a 180-degree turn in the housing model in Spain”, because this is an issue that is already “the first problem” for Spaniards, when not so long ago it was in the ranked fifteen of the most relevant issues to be resolved for citizens.
Feijóo has criticized the intervention that the PSOE has carried out in the sector, which has reduced the available supply of housing. For the leader of the PP, Sánchez’s politics are full of “legislative errors» that produce «enormous insecurity for everyone, owners and tenants». “No one has benefited,” he added, to remember that the owner cannot be criminalized: “In Spain, 80% of owners who rent a home have only that home. “Whoever has a house for rent is not the enemy.”
«I am not going to hold the Spanish hostages»
He has also regretted that Congress has paralyzed a law approved in the Senate against squatting and has reiterated his defense of the combination of the rights of owners and tenants. «I don’t want a country in which renting a home is high risk. The rental market is broken, With the PP it will be a safe space for tenants and owners,” he claimed.
Finally, Feijóo, in a current key and referring to the decree-laws that the Government was unable to approve in Congress this week and which referred, among other things, to the revaluation of pensions, the increase in VAT and the deduction in the price of public transport, has assured that “this legislature cannot do more.” The president of the PP has said that the ‘omnibus decree’ that the Executive intended to validate included “measures against citizens” and not only the increase in pensions. «I am not going to hold the Spanish hostages. We have a Government capable of making aid subject to its own political survival,” he concluded.
#Feijóo #proposes #plan #shield #security #tenants #owners