What is erysipelas
Commonly known as dissipela
The erysipelas is a bacterial infectious disease that affects the skin and subcutaneous tissueespecially of the face, and is characterized by the appearance of reddish plaques. It is frequently caused for one bacterium call streptococci and is almost always associated with episodes of fever.
Causes of erysipelas
Erysipelas is caused by an infection of group A streptococcus bacteria. The infection can occur due to the existence of a cut in the skin anywhere on the body or due to the existence of sores. In both cases it is the entrance door for the bacteria. It may also be due to problems with drainage through the veins or lymphatic system.
Symptoms of erysipelas
Affectation in the legs
In almost all cases, erysipelas is located on the legs, although symptoms may also occur on the face and arms. The first signs appear suddenly and consist of high fever and erythema, that is, skin changes, located on the legs. The erythema gradually spreads and causes pain. The patient may notice chills and general discomfort.
The most common entry point is athlete’s foot, but other entry points for the bacteria have also been detected such as sores, ulcers, dermatitis and any type of wounds.
Diagnosis of erysipelas
skin rash
Doctors make the diagnosis based on the characteristic appearance of the skin rash. The symptoms described above are usually easily identifiable, so the first level of diagnosis is usually simple, but other clinical markers of severity must be taken into account, which may recommend hospitalization. These include general symptoms, such as high fever and mental confusion, tachycardia, tachypnea, and hypotension.
Severe local symptoms must also be taken into account, such as intense local pain, large edema, hemorrhagic sores and blisters, and focal necrosis. Patients in whom the presence of diabetes mellitus and obesity is detected also require hospitalization.
Treatment and medication of erysipelas
Rest and antibiotics
When erysipelas affects the leg (something common in almost all cases), it is advisable to rest for several days and keep the dog up. With this measure it is possible to reduce the edema and gradually eliminate the pain. Additionally, you must take medication to reduce fever. When the patient can walk, the use of elastic stockings reinforces the edema reduction process.
The administration of antibiotics ensures, in most patients, that the fever disappears in a maximum of three days and the pain is practically non-existent. If this does not happen, possible complications must be analyzed. Penicillin G remains the standard treatment for uncomplicated erysipelas and is effective in more than 80% of cases.
On the other hand, a treatment must be defined to close the entrance door, especially athlete’s foot.
Prevention of erysipelas
Close the entrance doors
To prevent the appearance of erysipelas, the numerous risk factors must be taken into account. Athlete’s foot or sores and wounds on the legs must be combated to prevent them from becoming the gateway for bacteria. It is also essential to take care of hygienic habits by keeping the skin clean, dry and hydrated.
Suffering from diabetes or alcoholism are also risk factors that require adequate treatment.
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This article was published in La Vanguardia on November 7, 2020
#Erysipelas #Symptoms #treatments #infection