Among the many parties that are held in Spain, the dates that include the end of January, full February and, some years, part of March, they have as its protagonists one of the most lively events of all: The carnivals.
In each area of our country they are celebrated differently. In Cádizfor example, whose party has been documented since the end of the 16th century, the carnivals have as the protagonist, in addition to the unique costumes and costumes, to The music. Specifically, four groups of groups exist in the Gaditano Carnival: choirs, comparsas, chirigotas and quartets.
These actions are filled with crowd and are already a known contest throughout Spain, at the same time of a great Cadiz party that they do, above all, its people, its art and its streets. Among many of the ins and outs of the Carnival of Cádiz, there is one that brings together people surrounding food And that stands out because, for those who are not from there, it can be the most extraordinary: the bristle.
What is the bristle?
As you can read in the web of the Carnival of Cádiz, the bristle is organized by the Federation of Peñas and Caleteras entities and is one of the Gastronomic events prior to Carnival that celebrates the Cadiz city.
Traditionally, it served for COAC groups (Official Group Contest of the Carnival of Cádiz) to make their general trials. Specifically, the brist It consists of the tasting of sea urchins for free.
What time does the 2025 bristle begin?
This gastronic event that is repeated year after year in the carnival of Cádiz takes place this January 26 and begins at 12.30 noon.
It is planned to be distributed approximately 600 kg of hedgehogs, 60 liters of Zuleta chamomile and 400 liters of Cruzcampo beer for freeaccording to the page of the Cádiz City Council.
Where is the 2025 bristle celebrated?
Following the same official Cadiz source, this 2025 is erred, it is scheduled to be held In the vineyard neighborhood«Carnival neighborhood par excellence and origin of many of the groups. The street of La Palma, undoubtedly the most sung in the Carnival with the beach of La Caleta in the background, is filled with the public that hopes impatiently the beginning of the group of groups ».
The local agency explains that, due to the success of the first editions, the organizers of the event were forced to change the place of location of the gastronomic act itself, therefore, therefore, In 1980, the bristling was carried out at the headquarters of the Peña ‘El Harizo’.
On the website of the Carnival of Cádiz they also specify that the exact place where to take the bristle is Virgen de la Palma streetand affect that the event is completely free.
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