Ence company, in collaboration with the Swedish emerging firm Sharetxclaims to have reached “a new advance” in the pilot textile recycling that drives in As Pontes (A Coruña). Specifically, he informs that they have obtained, For the first time, recycled cellulose from Polialgodón. With this, he emphasizes, new opportunities are opened for the creation of more circular textile products.
From the signing of the city of Lérez they explain that the extraction of cellulose from multicomponent textile waste allows progress “in the recycling of materials that, until now, were difficult to recover efficiently,” he says. In fact, both companies released last October they had done “successfully” The first textile chemical recycling tests.
All this through an “innovative technology” that does not need high pressure, temperature, nor uses toxic solvents. The results obtained from the technical point of view are added to the recent creation of the Galician consortium of post -consumption textiles.
This organism was formalized by means of a memorandum of understanding signed by Ence together with the group EQ2 of the University of Vigothe from A Coruña, the Cetim and Vale technology centersand the Galician companies of the textile recycling sector insertega and coleo, in addition to the Start-Up Sharex.
Ence affirms that to develop the global project in AS PONTES it will invest 355 million “in the realization of the three planned phases. The first will involve the start -up of a recovered fiber plant in which the textile fiber recovery pilot plant is included. The second provides for a 150 MW cogeneration plant of thermal power and around 50 MW of electric power and the third, A tisu plant.
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