Electric cars have ended up at the center of the political debate in the United States. In view of the US Presidential Elections, which saw the forfeit of John Biden and the entry into the race of Kamala Harris for the Democrats, there is a clash over EVs. Donald Trump has often lashed out against EVs but in a recent interview he partially backtracked for a singular reason: the support of Elon Musk, number one of Tesla, to his campaign.
Musk’s support and electric cars
“I am in favor of electric cars. I have to be, because Elon (Musk, ed.) has guaranteed me his support, and so I have no choice”. The tycoon then corrected his shot, explaining that EVs should be a small slice of the market and not represent the majority. “I want you to have gasoline cars, I want you to have hybrids, I want you to have every type of car imaginable, while they want everyone to go with electric cars.”
Costs and recharge
Trump then addressed the issue of infrastructure costs and charging problems, with a summary analysis of the difficulties to be faced: “If everyone had an electric car, it would be impossible to charge them all. We would have to spend nine trillion dollars. In the Midwest, they built ‘chargers’ (charging stations): a charger is a gas pump that comes out of which electricity. To build eight stations, they spent nine billion dollars.”
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