It seems like it is a romantic expression but who knows? educateHE free.
who educate learn to learn. He human being learns all his lifenever stops learn and that is vital in this changing world where today’s truth is soon replaced by a new truth, in such a way that we have to travel through the world learning every day, learning what is today supported by yesterday’s experiences but always with the open mind to face new changes.
Who gets educated learn Also to doto improve their performance in the daily world, apply what they have learned more efficiently and effectively and with those learnings and with that doing, strive to improve their reality.
Those who educate themselves also learn to be, to be a better person, a better partner, a better family member, a better citizen participant.
And since we live in a world in which we are in constant interaction with our environment, it is vital that by educating ourselves we learn to coexist. To live together in healthy peace, in harmony, to always live under the sacred mantle of respect, respect that is the father of peace and progress.
And finally, education induces us to reach the peak of the aspirations of any thinking being, I mean transcend.
Transcending is leaving a positive mark on our path through life, it is developing our empathy, that is, developing our ability to put ourselves in the shoes of others, to measure their suffering and try, to the extent of our possibilities, to alleviate their conflicts. and support, for good, in facing the daily battles that we all fight every day.
Educating is liberating, education is synonymous with emancipation, although education is not necessarily synonymous with training and is an antonym with indoctrination.
To educate is to liberate, never to submit, never to subjugate.
Educating is not the exclusive responsibility of the school, educating is also the responsibility of the family, it requires the involvement of the three levels of government and especially of society.
Making Mexico a better nation means improving the educational levels of our people.
Mexico and united, let’s make a pact to actively participate in the wonderful magic of educating to transform.
Thank you so much.
Los Mochis, Sin. as of May 16, 2024.
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#Education #liberation