Did you know that what you eat could be key to avoiding the annoying buzz in your ears? A study published in ‘BMJ Open‘suggests that increasing fruits, fiber, dairy and caffeine intake could be related to a reduction in tinnitus risk. But although the results are promising, researchers warn that the evidence is still weak and more studies are needed to confirm it.
Tinnitus or tinnitus, that constant and irritating sound in the ears that affects 14% of adults worldwide, have been related to a series of serious problems, such as depression, anxiety and even suicide in extreme cases. Sometimes, it can be a real torment for those who suffer from it. And although it has no cure, existing treatments seek to relieve symptoms.
According to an analysis published in the magazine ‘BMJ Open’, the diet could have a significant impact on the appearance and severity of Tinnitus.
The research that has analyzed eight observational studies that involved 301,533 people and that evaluated 15 dietary factors shows that those with fruits rich, fiber, dairy products and caffeine experienced a remarkable decrease in the incidence of tinnitus.
In figures, 35% less risk of consuming more fruits, 9% less per fiber, 17% less for dairy and 10% less due to caffeine.
However, researchers from the Chengdu University (China) warn that a direct causal relationship cannot be ensured and that these results should be taken with caution. The study is only observational and there are many unknowns to solve.
Despite this, it is suggested that the protective effects of these diets can be related to vascular and nervous health, as well as its anti -inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
#Eating #fruits #fiber #dairy #caffeine #reduces #risk #tinnitus