New earthquake shock in the Campi Flegrei recorded at 7.44pm: what happened?
A few minutes ago a new tremor was recorded earthquake in the Campi Flegrei area. The epicenter was located between Pozzuoli and Bagnoli at approximately 7.44pm. Once again it is a superficial shock.
Here is the latest report.
What is happening in the Campi Flegrei area?
Many people have noticed the numerous earthquakes that have been occurring in recent months in the area Phlegraean Fields. The Earth continues to shake incessantly and it seems that continuous movements are being felt hour by hour.
We are referring to a highly seismic area which has always been subject to the erosive and destructive force linked to the movement of earthly clods. Why does all this happen and what is happening in Campania?
It is the fruit of a natural phenomenon known as Karst bradyseism, which sees the continuous movement of the earth's plates which continue to rise and fall. The proximity to the local volcano, the Vesuviuscan only intensify an action of this magnitude, which is extremely dangerous not only for the landscape but also for all those who live in a specific area.
Unfortunately it is impossible to make predictions about what will happen in the future as it is all highly unpredictable. In fact, we are talking about a natural phenomenon that we cannot know how long it will last and what epilogue it will have.
Earthquake at Campi Flegrei: new shock recorded at 7.44pm
A few minutes ago the earth in Campania he trembled again. This is a persecution that has now lasted for several weeks, making the lives of all the inhabitants of the area hell. We find ourselves once again in the zone of Phlegraean Fields, more precisely in the area delimited between the Municipalities of Pozzuoli And Bagnoliin the province of Naples.
Seismographs felt the tremor around 7.44pm, cataloging this earthquake at a depth of almost 2km. Its strength has not yet been made known, but fortunately there was no damage to things, structures or people. We are waiting for new updates.
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