Während der Übertragung des EM-Finales ist vor einem Café in der somalischen Hauptstadt Mogadischu eine Autobombe explodiert. Mindestens elf Menschen kamen dabei ums Leben, dutzende Besucher des stark besuchten Lokals wurden nach Angaben eines Polizeisprechers verletzt.
In dem Café brach Panik aus. Unter den Todesopfern sind auch fünf Menschen, die an dem Lokal vorbeifuhren, als das davor stehende Auto explodierte, hieß es weiter.
A police spokesman told the German Press Agency that it was still unclear whether there was a suicide bomber in the vehicle and whether there were also armed attackers involved.
Investigators fear that the number of dead and injured could rise further. The force of the explosion also caused severe damage to neighboring buildings. The bar that was attacked is popular with government employees. So far, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack.
Dark parallels to the 2010 World Cup
The act is reminiscent of the terrorist attack by the radical Islamic militia Al-Shabaab during the 2010 World Cup. The Somali terrorist group detonated bombs in a bar in Kampala, Uganda, where several hundred people were watching the World Cup final. 74 people died.
Al-Shabaab rejects football as “haram” (unclean) and a few months ago attempted an attack on the stadium during a football tournament in Mogadishu.
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