The Director of the General Department of Investigations and Criminal Investigations in Dubai Police, Major General Jamal Salem Al-Jallaf, confirmed that during the first half of Ramadan, the “Fight Beggary” campaign managed to arrest 116 beggars, including 59 males and 57 females, and seized sums of money in their possession. They collected it by claiming the need, to win over the members of the community.
Major General Al-Jallaf stressed that beggars take advantage of the holy month of Ramadan and religious feelings with the aim of collecting money illegally, so they deceive people and take advantage of the feelings of those who fast in the holy month, explaining that one of the cases that the Dubai Police arrested belonged to two brothers married to two sisters, and one of them had a child.
He added that the policemen caught the two brothers and their wives begging passers-by near a mosque, by performing deceitful gestures indicating that the couple suffers from a disability, contrary to the truth.
Major General Al-Jallaf stressed the importance of not responding to the beggars of beggars, or dealing with them with feelings of pity and sympathy for their appearance, and helping the police agencies by immediately reporting any beggar who is spotted anywhere on the call center (901) or the Police Eye platform through smart applications of Dubai Police, and service ( E-Crime) to report cybercrime.
Official donation agencies
Major General Jamal Al-Jallaf explained that there are official bodies, charitable organizations and associations that anyone can turn to to request financial assistance, pointing out that there are people who justify the reason for their begging in their need for money, and this matter is illegal and punishable by the Federal Law according to Article No. 9 of 2018 regarding combating beggary. and refer them to the judiciary.
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