Després de l’E empat among Madrid I l’Tlètic, Passem Tot The Diumenge Repeint phrases of debatable consistent. First: that Barça depèn d’el mateix per bedtar-se al lead. Segona: that S’ha de Guanyar to Seville “Yes or yes”, Aquesta Express Petilent who has replaced the “tant yes com no” of Tota Life. Third: that if the Barça “Fa Els Deures” to Seville, Tot Anirà Bé. From the point of view of the Sportive Gestió, Són Missatges understandable, però abjectes, which Només Tyndrien Sentit in a context d’Ambestima Molt Determinat.
Per Experience, the Sabem Culers who depend on nosaltres re has obliged an emotional dependence that does not semi -sabut man administer. Dependent d’Arú Altre, in Canvi, could experience Miracles Com Els Finals de Lliga de Tenerife –i the famous “managed” to which the President Josep Lluís Núñez – or the Djuk Criminal, that the journalist Javier Guillén remembered the llibre Much to say and little to tell (Ed. Altamarea).
The responsibility pròpia is the maximum guarantee per obtain resultsats
To Mesura that Passen Els Anys, the Militància Culer sophisticated. The repertoire of commenting per overcome the uncertain s’ha complicat. Ara podem discuss whether Araújo is a great central Fins that is injury to alheshores, with if Pásssim a revelation, tests essential. I Gavi? Li apparaudim l’he enthusiasm, però, Alhora, an interior veu asks if not to be the typical accelerat player who, if a tile d’Elt equ, detestaríem. If pensaments opportunities, that they go to the result of the result that, a diumege to the NIT, negotiate to an encouragement that the Massa de l’Enió published.
I do not know if it is an anachrònica impress, but it was imprinted that Fa Uns Anys was Més Fàcil admiring an independent Amb player of the Seu Rendiment. ARA, in Canvi, Sotmesoso Estem to an instabilitat that I impedeix maintain the Samarreta I Pòster. Algú Pot Penjar the Pòster de de Jong a l’abperació i maintain-what Tothom l’esa of being a disaster? I quan, Pressionat Per l’nnent, you are a point to be desired, it turns out that Jong turns to play com desitjaves.
Raphinha is disposition of Fer the third goal of Barcelona Amb the Bed Dreta
Ens hem specialitzat tant in l’osercici d’an opinions vagament tècniques that eases de les velles arrogant més or incomprehensible menys that Sovint defines the nostra way of feeling the colors. Jo n’He tingut some. Exemple: vaig being devot d’E eidur gudjohnsen sense that hagués chapo rational per servo.
I suspicious that Messi will provoke a monocultiu of l’Empiració that will be forced to see the football amb els ulls de l’Argentí. Durant Molts Anys, Tot goes to the Voltant d’Achesta Feliç I privileged hierarchy. To Seville, in Canvi, Barça is going to exhibit an identitat d’Aqu in which you appear recover an import of dimensions humanes (pedri i raphinha are a point of guanyar-se the supernatural status) i in què, from cop i Volta, et veus to your mateix admirant Bojament Fermín I regrets that l’Exulc. In the end, it turns out that yes: Barça, who depended d’el mateix, goes Fer els Deures, yes or yes, to Seville.
#Drets #Deure #Seville #Sergi #Pàmies