The unions demand a specific statute for doctors that reflects the uniqueness of professionals
The negotiations of the Framework Statute – the standard that regulates the working conditions of health personnel – are not progressing as the Ministry of Health would like. Minister Mónica García, and especially her proposals for the future law, has infuriated the sector to the point that they threaten mobilizations and confrontation measures, without ruling out a strike, with the aim of achieving a specific statute for doctors that regulates their working conditions like those already experienced by other professionals such as judges or prosecutors.
This has been announced by the State Confederation of Medical Unions (CESM), which includes the unions of 14 autonomous communities, and which together with another dozen unions and associations of doctors such as the Association of Doctors and Higher Graduates of Madrid (Amyts), Metges de Catalunya, the MIR Spain Association or the Medical Profession Forum have promoted a manifesto in which they denounce their “discomfort” with the Health proposal.
“The disappointment has been of such magnitude that we have our colleagues up in arms and asking that we adopt forceful pressure measures and make the ministry understand that this statute does not satisfy the sector,” explained the general secretary of CESM, Víctor Pedrera. , at a press conference. “There is indignation and fatigue at levels that have never been reached,” supported Miguel Lázaro, president of the confederation.
(news in extension)
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