Gisella Cardia managed to mobilize multitudes of believers from different countries to worship a virgin who supposedly Blood cried, multiplied pizzas and gnocchi and transmitted to the alleged seer messages for the world. Her followers considered it almost a saint, but the Vatican already rejected these alleged phenomena for months had any supernatural component. Now, the analysis of the hypothetical tears of Our Lady of the town of Trevignano Romano shows that They belong to the medium.
The first analysis of the DNA of the blood of the alleged tears, carried out in the laboratories of the Roman University of Tor Vergara, were clear: it belongs to a human being, specifically, to a woman. This result excluded other shuffled hypotheses that argued that it could be pork or red paint. A few hours later, the second confirmation arrived: The genetic profile of the analyzed material corresponds to Cardia.
The Italian Prosecutor’s Office, who studies the case for a possible crime of fraud, will now analyze the laboratory results to determine if the alleged seer has to go to trial. The lawyer of the alleged medium has reacted to the genetic tests to justify the presence of the genetic material of her client in the statue, according to the newspaper ‘Il Messaggero’: “He has touched and kissed.” In this line, it has also made an appreciation that TGCom24 collects: “Who knows the Virgin’s DNA?”.
As for the State of Cardia, its legal representative has affirmed that it is “very good”: “where I pray now I ignore it, but I know that it moves a deep faith and that He does not have the claim to win anything with this. I know her and her humble way of life. If I didn’t feel this faith, I would be crazy if I did all this. And is not crazy ».
The Dicasteria for the Doctrine of Faith already confirmed in a statement in the middle of last year that, “by virtue of the new norms published on May 17 by the Holy See to discern” alleged phenomena of this type, the events reported by Cardia and her husband, Gianni, “They are not supernatural”. Thus supported the position of the Bishop of Civita Castellana, Marco Salvi, issued on March 6.
In that statement, the Dicasterio prohibited priests “to celebrate sacraments or perform acts of popular piety” directly or indirectly related to the events of Roman Trevignano and “go to the place of appearancewhich would feed among the faithful the idea that there is some ecclesial recognition ».
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