Changes in Deutsche Bank private banking. The entity has promoted Nicolás Cotoner to the position of head of the Private Banking segment, replacing Fernando Candau, who is leaving the entity after more than two decades, and with the helm of that unit from 2022. According to the bank, Candau He leaves “to undertake new professional challenges.”
With a degree in Business Administration and an MBA from the Instituto de Empresa, Cotoner joined Deutsche Bank in 2018 after holding different management responsibilities at Credit Suisse for 15 years.
The executive will report directly to Borja Martos, who leads the entity’s Private Banking and Wealth Management area, and will combine his new functions with the position he currently holds as Deputy to the Head of Wealth Management.
Private Banking is the segment that serves assets of between €500,000 and two million euros within the Private Banking and Wealth Management area of Deutsche Bank.
The division is located within the Private Bank division led by Susana Valero, which also includes the areas of Personal Banking and Business Banking.
#Deutsche #Bank #promotes #Nicolás #Cotoner #private #banking