New Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Trailer Shows Off Leon Kennedy’s Uniformwhich will be available in DLC form but will be included in the Digital Deluxe Edition of the game, along with other interesting extras.
The uniform is the one Leon wore in Resident Evil 2, with the colors of the Raccoon City Police Department, but using it does not imply the possibility of obtaining special abilities: it is just a nice aesthetic object.
Overall, it looks like Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster can count on a rich supply of downloadable content which reference classic Capcom franchises: not just Resident Evil but also Street Fighter and Mega Man, judging by some clues.
The trailer
Announced by Capcom just over a month ago, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster will debut on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S next September 19thmuch to the delight of the many fans of the original Xbox 360 game.
The trailer in which Frank West wears Leon Kennedy’s uniform is particularly short but significant, with the protagonist performing several action sequences inside thehuge shopping center which forms the backdrop to the campaign.
Being a remaster, however sophisticated, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster will not change the original story or characters, while it is possible that the developers have introduced some new features to make the gameplay less wooden.
The formula that is the central pivot of the entire experience will certainly not undergo any changes, with a countdown and a number of people to save which will put our skills to the test, as we take the photos needed for our big scoop.
#Dead #Rising #Deluxe #Remaster #Shows #Leon #Kennedys #Uniform #Trailer