Coronavirus Many have done everything right, but are still waiting for their corona passport – such problems have arisen in its use

Over the week, HS has received numerous questions about situations where the use of a corona passport is not possible despite full vaccination protection.

In Finland the corona passport, which many had been waiting for a long time, was introduced last Saturday. However, problems have arisen in its use.

Over the week, HS has received numerous tips and questions about situations where the use of a corona passport does not naturalize despite full vaccination protection.

Some of the technical problems have been fixed, some require some of the citizen’s own effort and some are likely to remain unresolved for a long time to come.

This story goes through situations where a corona passport is impossible or difficult to use. Experts tell you how they should work.

1. Some have only received one vaccine because they have a disease behind them

Perhaps most astonishment has occurred to those who have suffered from coronary heart disease and therefore received only one dose of vaccine.

According to the Department of Health and Welfare (THL), they do not need a second dose because the protection is already strong enough.

However, the illness and one dose of vaccine are not valid for the EU corona certificate, which serves as Finland’s corona passport. Therefore, THL changed his instructions on Thursday so that a second dose can be given, for example, for travel.

“In our opinion, it is neither fair nor medically justified for a coronary passport to be made in a way that discriminates against those suffering from the disease,” said THL’s chief physician. Hanna Nohynek To HS on Thursday.

According to THL’s estimate, more than 30,000 Finns are in such a situation. Of course, some of them may have received a second dose of vaccine despite THL’s instructions.

Read more: THL changed its guideline: People with coronary heart disease can receive a second dose of the vaccine, for example, for travel

Read more: People with coronary heart disease and therefore only vaccinated once cannot currently receive an EU vaccination certificate

2. Booster vaccines are mislabeled, delaying some corona passports

Problems may also come if you have received a booster dose in addition to the full vaccination series.

At the moment THL recommends third vaccinations for all over 60 years of age and at-risk groups. In the case of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the booster dose is a second dose.

The difficulties have been due to the fact that the booster doses have been marked differently on the certificates. The correct way to label would be 3/2 for third-line vaccines, but part of the certificate reads 3/3. For Johnson & Johnson, the correct would be 2/1, not 2/2.

The corona passport will not start working until seven days after the last vaccination. If the entry is 3/3, the application interprets that it must wait seven days.

Wrong the notation has not been typical in Finland, but there may have been different practices in other EU countries, for example, says the Director of Information Management Aleksi Yrttiaho From THL.

“You can see what the situation is from your own testimony.”

In practice, the problem is solved by waiting seven days.

According to Yrttiaho, there have been discussions about changing the application, but the matter is not simple. Should three doses be specifically required for a vaccine in the future, the application should again recognize a seven-day withdrawal period.

3. Some young and old people do not have online banking IDs

Crown passport may be required in Finland by anyone over 16 years of age. The passport can be accessed from the online Omaolo service, which can be accessed with strong authentication, ie with a bank ID or mobile certificate.

If the young or elderly person does not have these, the certificate can be obtained on paper from the health care service, Yrttiaho instructs. More detailed instructions can be obtained from your municipality.

Part is wondered why parents can’t get access to a young person’s digital certificate or why it can’t be shared digitally.

“We need to make sure that the health information and the corona certificate really go to the person who is meant,” Yrttiaho says.

According to him, the matter must take into account the minor’s own will and various family situations, as well as relations with guardians. The Ombudsman for Children has also spoken about this Elina Pekkarinen.

Read more: Ombudsman for Children: The corona passport, which can be obtained by minors, can be used easily even without the help of a parent

4. Vaccinations received are not Logged in

In part Coronavirus vaccinations received from municipalities have not been correctly recorded in the system, for example due to recording errors.

According to Yrttiaho, out of the millions of vaccines given in Finland, this has happened to some hundreds or thousands. The success rate for registrations is close to one hundred across the country, and is less than 95 percent in only a few municipalities.

If there is an error in your own information at any point, you should contact the vaccine provider, usually the municipality, to correct it.

Read more: Coronation vaccination certificates have not been stored in Omakanta due to, for example, recording errors: “It would have been quite unfortunate to notice at the ship terminal”

5. Vaccinations received abroad have not been registered in Finland and some of them are not valid

If has received its full vaccine series in another EU country, it has not been possible to register it in the EU corona certificate in Finland.

In principle, according to THL’s policy, the certificate should be obtained in the country where you receive your last vaccination. However, in Sweden, for example, those who have been vaccinated have had difficulty obtaining a certificate there if they do not live there permanently.

STM however, has recommendedthat Finnish municipalities issue EU coronary vaccination certificates for vaccines issued outside the Union.

Read more: Riitta Tiainen from Espoo received coronary vaccines in Sweden, but not a common EU vaccination certificate: “I am not officially vaccinated”

Some Vaccinations received abroad are also not valid for the EU corona certificate and thus for the Finnish corona passport.

Such is, for example, the Russian Sputnik V, which has been received by an estimated thousands of Finns. In addition to Russia, Sputnik has been given to people in Hungary, for example.

Read more: Finns who have taken Sputnik would now like to take more vaccinations, as the Russian vaccine is not suitable for travel

6. Some technical issues have already been fixed, but new ones may reappear over the weekend

Part technical errors have already been corrected. For example, the reading application did not initially recognize the vaccination of the pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson, which requires only one dose for a full series.

In some cases, it also did not recognize Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines in places, especially if an Iphone was used. The cases were those where the recording of vaccines had been made before the beginning of June.

Repair has also made a mistake where the app may crash, especially on Android phones, if the phone is turned from portrait to landscape at the time of certificate verification.

An updated version of the application has been made and is awaiting approval from the Google App Store.

“Let’s hope it’s in place before the weekend,” Yrttiaho says.

Read more: Over the weekend, the Koronapass reader application encountered a variety of problems, some of which have already been fixed.

Although the application was tested in advance, especially rarer situations were difficult to predict.

Yrttiaho believes that problems may still arise, especially with certificates issued abroad.

“When we get to the second weekend, it’s possible that more mistakes will occur.”

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