Reading Poe (1809-1849) is one of the most intense and overwhelming spiritual operations that exist. Something like mixing the pictorial work of Caspar David Friedrich with Füssli and Böcklin’s pictorial work and drinking it with a single drink. … Surely there will be in music, as in painting, similar parallels, but I can’t think of right now.
In literature you would have to think about Homer’s ‘iliad’, the ‘divine comedy’ of Dante or ‘the flowers of evil’ Baudelaire as parangonable reading experiences.
Edgar Allan Poe -
Foam pages -
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That Poe was a drunk, and even a kind of psychopath, nobody discusses it. But you have to remember that Literature gives absolutely the same as those who write it Have good or bad feelings, be able to download the ax several times with a furious viciousness on your grandmother or have founded several exemplary leproseries in Bangla Desp. Literature is always apart from morality.
They can write extraordinary ordinary men such as Cervantes and Shakespeare, children spoiled by the society of their time such as Sophocles and Voltaire, Good people like Robert Louis Stevenson or authentic human nonsense as Edgar Allan Poe (who, among other niceties, defended the death of a young and beautiful woman as the greatest show of universal aesthetics).
Despite his undeniable psycho conditionthanks to Poe (already Baudelaire, its French translator, which was also a Philippine point, even Eclipse, in one way or another, the work of the Bostonian.
Or of being inspired by her, as is the case of Melville, who worships in ‘Moby Dick’ to the strange being of intense whiteness that appears at the end of ‘Arthur Gordon Pym’, or of HP Lovecraft, whose unnamed creatures They come from the nightmares of the author of ‘El Cuervo’, to quote only two names of the endless list of debtors of Poe.
This new impression gives us a new translation, by Rafael Accorinti Gorillo, and substantially expands the comment pages
And it is that a good part of the world literature of the last two centuries depends on the inventions, in prose and in verse, the immense writer and unbearable citizen who died in Baltimore in 1849, victim of their own excesses, Giving a respite to his poor mother -in -law, who finally managed to free himself from him.
Foam pages had already edited a volume with the ‘complete stories’ of Edgar Poe, commented by the Hispanic-Peruano Fernando Iwasaki and the Mexican Jorge Volpi. That book adopted the famous translation of Julio Cortázar of the complete narrative of Poe, appeared for the first time in the 50s of the last century and co -edited by the Magazine of the West and the University of Puerto Rico. A version, that of Cortázar, impeccably written, but scarcely faithful to the original.
Important names
THE IMPROBO WORK OF THE AUTHOR OF ‘RAYUELA’ became the most reproduced translation By Tyrians and Trojan editors, being the edition in two thick volumes of Pocket of Editorial Alliance The most popular of all. This new impression of the ‘complete stories’ of Poe sponsored by foam pages gives us a new translation, by Rafael Accorinti Gorillo, and substantially expands the comment pages, offering the reader a gloss of a couple of signed pages each one by a writer belonging to a chosen cast of Hermeneutas including some important names of Spanish and Hispanic -American literature of today.
Thus Ángel Olgoso, Andrés Neuman, Manuel Vilas, Fabio Morabito, Espido Freire, Fernando Royuela, Guillermo Busutil, Pilar Adón, Care Santos, Jorge Eduardo Benavides, Ricardo Menéndez Salmón, Manuel Moyano … enrich the book in its initial pages two texts Introductory by Mariana Enriquez and Patricia Esteban Erlés and a series of black and white illustrations of Arturo Garrido. All very well locked And very worthy of being taken into account by those who adore the writing of an essential as it was, is and will be Edgar Allan Poe.
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