The number of created commercial companies grew by 17.7% in December compared to the same month of the previous year, reaching the set of months of 2024 by 9.1% more than in 2023 as far as creation of companies is concerned. Thus it follows from the Statistics for Commercial Societies (SM) By December 2024 and the year 2024 of the National Statistics Institute (INE). The data reflects the total creation of 117,900 companies in 2024, while the number of dissolved commercial companies grew by 20.7% in annual rate, of which 86.6% did it voluntarily.
In this way, the upward trend of business constitution He chains two years of advances after the rebound in 2023, when 9.1%also shot himself. On the contrary, it happened in 2022, when the created societies fell 2.1%, as opposed to the increase of almost 28% experienced in 2021, after the end of the restrictions associated with the pandemic.
For the Constitution of the 117,990 companies created in 2024 They subscribed more than 5,682 million euros, which represents 9.7% less than in 2023, while the Subscribed average capitalwhich stood at 48,163 euros, decreased by 17.3%. Along these lines, the capital signed for the creation of the 9,437 companies during the month of December of the same year closed with an annual decrease of 14.2% and the subscribed average capital decreased by 27.1%.
December results by main economic activity
16.9% of commercial companies created In December it corresponded to Real estate, financial and insurancewho presented at the same time the largest capital signed with 325.84 million euros, and 16.2%to trade, followed by: construction (13.7%), professional activities (12.1%), hospitality (9 , 9%), rest services (8.6%), industry and energy (7.2%), administrative activities and auxiliary services (5.4%), information and communications (4.4%), transport and storage ( 3.3%) and agriculture and fishing (2.3%).
As for societies dissolved20.3% belonged to Trade And 15.8%corresponded to construction, then professional activities are found (13.7%), real estate, financial and insurance (11.9%), rest services (8.7%), industry and energy (7, 6%), hospitality (6.0%), administrative activities and auxiliary services (5.5%) information and communications (5.0%), transport and storage (3.6%) and, finally, agriculture and agriculture and Fishing with 1.9%.
December results by Autonomous Community
The data disseminated by the INE indicate to the Basque Country (42.5%), Castilla-La Mancha (40.2%) and Canary Islands (34.6%) as the autonomous communities that presented the highest annual increases in the number of commercial companies created in December. In parallel, Cantabria (-21.4%), Principality of Asturias (-3.2%) and Navarra Foral Community (-1.6%) registered the greatest declines.
Results 2024 By specialization and Autonomous Community
Of the 117,990 companies created in 2024, 17.9% of the commercial companies corresponded to the Tradeand 16.7% to real estate, financial and insurance. As for dissolved societies, 20.1% corresponded to Tradeand 16.4% to construction.
On the one hand, the Community of Madrid (24,550), Catalonia (20,512) and Andalusia (18,322) were raised as the communities with the greatest creation of commercial companies by 2024. Instead, the ones that created the least were Rioja (453), Cantabria (816) and the Navarra Foral Community (997).
For their part, the communities that registered the greatest number of solutions were the Community of Madrid (7,559), Andalusia (4,325) and Catalonia (1902). As opposed to Navarra Foral Community (75), Rioja (182) and Cantabria (280), who lead the list of communities with the lowest solution figure.
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