Columns The world constantly comes across Nordic food, but not Finns – how is it possible that hardly any food is exported from Finland?

I myself have been a poor food ambassador, as I have provided rye bread and salmia to countless people around the world, writes Riku Rantala in his column.

When on long assignments abroad, compatriots were encountered, I always pumped rye bread and salmiakia. I missed them, no matter what local delicacies had been served.

I have been to grocery stores on all continents except the south, but I only remember once I came across Finnish food: on the shelf of the bazaar in the Old Town of Dubai, ancient Sirkku lump sugar was traded in sun-yellowed retro packages.

Finnish beer or liquor was almost never seen. Danish beer and Swedish vodka, on the other hand, I was allowed to refuse to the point of boredom in every possible corner of the world.

On the other hand, I do not remember a country where, for example, Danish cheese or butter would not have been available. From the bet that they are sold even in North Korea.

When comparing food exports from EU countries, Finland is last.

Food souvenirs came to mind when I followed a discussion last weekend hosted by Mountain Councilor Reijo Karhinen On Twitter.

Karhinen pointed out that when comparing EU countries’ food exports, Finland ranks 28th – that is, last – in terms of both gross domestic product and population.

“Hello!” rolled Karhinen, who leads the speech Common dining table –discussion forum. The purpose of the forum convened by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is to promote the brand and appreciation of Finnish food and food culture.

How on earth is our food exports so bad? Twitter highlighted at least the following shortcomings in Finnish know-how: sales skills, branding, international trade know-how, knowledge of the target market, self-confidence and ambition.

It’s hard to believe we couldn’t be able to perform better.

I have provided rye bread and salmiakia to countless people around the world.

Entrepreneur, restaurateur and non-fiction writer Saku Tuominen wrote recently In the vineyard, how Finland would have the ingredients to be one of the most interesting food countries in the world: there is pure nature and its products, location between East and West, design know-how…

But only then will the New Nordic Cuisine phenomenon be combined with Denmark, Norway and Sweden, where the government has invested more than Finland in promoting its food culture.

I myself have been a poor food ambassador, having provided rye bread and salmia to countless people around the world.

Those who did not spit in the yard praised – visibly embarrassed. No one chanted.

The author is a Madventures adventurer, TV producer and non-fiction writer who eats more than Earn.

#Columns #world #constantly #Nordic #food #Finns #food #exported #Finland

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