Columns It’s refreshing that superstar Adele’s new album is just an ordinary difference story

Superstar Adele sings about the failures of her own life. They are universal things, writes Jari Tervo in his column.

I remember the first song I listened to and watched online. It was Adelen Someone Like You. Adele had written the song together Dan Wilsonin with. A young woman unknown to me – not very many others – sang a piano ballad. It is still the greatest love song of the 21st century.

I haven’t listened to songs on Youtube since. However, they would not be as touching.

Someone Like You has been viewed 1.8 billion times on Youtube. Adelen’s album 25 has been streamed four billion times. The proportions of Adele’s career are now measured in long strings of numbers. When Adele asks, Spotify bounces and tells the Earth after returning that it was a pleasure. Oprah bothering to interview him.

Alongside all this, the listener is refreshed by Adele’s new album 30 is that an ordinary difference story.

It feels fresh when the superstar doesn’t record the song “My soul is very ragged and badly turbulent”. Adele’s version of the theme is “I Drink Wine”. According to his interview statement, in this wine case, after the resignation, the old law prevailed: more is more.

Young the divorced woman remembers that as a child, every thing was miraculous and blew her consciousness, “Now I’m just drinking wine.” The best of Exa only comes out after the difference: “Everyone wants something from me, you just me.”

My little darling In the song, Adele includes snippets of conversation with her son Angelon with: “Aunt has had a lot of big feelings lately.” What can the little boy answer other than, “Like what?”

Adele unleashes her feelings while talking to her son, “I’m having a bad day, I’m very anxious, I’m very paranoid, very stressed, I have a hangover, which never makes it better, I feel like this is the first day after I leave when I feel lonely, and I never feel lonely, I like loneliness, I always like loneliness more than company. ”

Adele had earned about 170 million euros before her new album. Of course, a wallet doesn’t really warm up when you want to spend a long time at home, lazing on the couch in the net, watching TV and pitying yourself, and a little startled by this feeling. However, the success is so great that there is no need to get up from the morning to lick the men’s toilet at Hackney’s station.

But someone is going there.

With a new one on her album, Adele sings solo, of course, but I hear a wide variety of voices in the huge backing chorus. It is joined by a divorced lady from Kontul, who feels as if every unknown opponent is mocking her lost happiness. Not everyone divorced is a lady. I also hear the voice of a Warsaw plank painter as well as a Roman taxi driver and an insurance detective from Zagreb. Adele sings about the failures of her own life. They are universal things.

No one is interested in the songs “I Drink Water” or “Äiskää has been wiping out really nicely lately”.

World the divorced remain at home when the wounds are fresh. They still don’t want to go looking for someone who resembles him, even more. It may seem to us ordinary people that former friends have also disappeared with a loved one. There is no one who knows and asks what is involved.

Adele’s problem is similar, albeit the opposite: everyone knows her. It does not attract banana. The sofa is the first patch for both obscurity and great fame.

Adele tells everyone about things in common. But no one else sings like him.

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