Column | In Berlin, I can constantly answer questions about Finland

Finns should think about how to utilize the extraordinary interest in Finland.

From what does it feel like living there in Russia’s neighbor? And what was it like when you were a child? Wasn’t Finland then practically under the control of the Soviet Union? How did it look?

In Berlin, these questions about Finland have rarely been answered this year. Nowadays, Finland invariably arouses interest and often admiration in Germany.

Also commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs research showed last week that Finland is the object of exceptional interest in the world. According to the study, Finland’s NATO process has particularly influenced it.

The strong brand of Prime Minister Sanna Marin (sd) supports the image of Finland. How could I get in touch with “Frau Saana”, an American journalist working in Germany asked me last week.

Finns there is reason to be satisfied. The fact that Finland’s existence is remembered and noticed is the key to us being listened to.

In Finland, people always complain about any EU demand and wonder why they try to handle things stupidly.

Questions related to Finland sometimes sound a bit funny. It’s because nobody knows Finland properly. Finns have to explain themselves to others. Finland’s interests are brought up by none other than the Finns themselves.

This should be thought about in Finland. We will be listened to if we can speak.

We will be listened to if we can speak.

Both the study of foreign languages ​​and exchange studies have collapsed in Finland in the last ten years. Could politics support more that new generations of Finns continue to discover the world?

Apparently, more and more people believe that knowing English is enough everywhere.

It is necessary to know English, but in many places a real connection with others is not born depending on English alone. In continental Europe, many people have to struggle in English.

Knowing only English often leaves Finns relying on superficial knowledge. For example, you can get a one-sided picture of the German and French attitude to the war in Ukraine from the British and American media.

Language skills helps to understand that no nation is the same as its current leadership.

Finnish business life should also lobby for language studies and exchange studies. German is spoken as a mother tongue by about one hundred million people, French by about 76 million.

Exceptional interest and enthusiasm for Finland is a versatile opportunity for Finland. But nothing happens by itself.

The writer is HS’s Berlin correspondent.

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