The European Coca-Cola bottling company in Belgium announced on Monday a massive withdrawal of products in Europe due to a concentration in too high chlorate. The bottling company, in addition, has requested Do not consume these products.
The withdrawal affects cans and glass bottles returning from Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Fuze TeaMinute Maid, Nalu, Royal Bliss and Tropic in Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Luxembourg, in circulation since November. These products carry “a production code that goes from 328 ge to 338 ge.” The products distributed in Spain are not affected.
«We have no exact figures but it is clear that it is about A considerable amount», He told AFP Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Belgium. “The majority of products concerned and invented were already withdrawn from the shops and we continue to take measures to withdraw the products that remain in the market,” the company added.
The bottling company has asked not to consume the products that can be returned to the point of sale for reimbursement. «In our production plant in Gante, we carry out tests within the framework of our control processes […]. These controls allowed to identify high levels of chlorine, ”the company explained.
According to the European Commission website, the chlorrate in the food comes from the Disinfectants with chlorine used for water treatment and food transformation.
In a 2015 scientific publication, the European Food Safety Authority estimated that long -term exposure to food chlorine could cause possible health problems to minors, especially children who lack iodine. According to this body, even considering the highest levels, “it is unlikely that the total intake in a single day will exceed the recommended level for consumers of all age groups.”
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