The Galica Clun Rural Cooperative has officially presented Only A2a new variety of milk that maintains all the benefits of the usual only, but with the incentive of being of 100% A2 cows, which means that they are fed completely natural.
From the cooperative they report that this product is the result of a long research process and clinical trials that allowed both to professors and to scientists to guarantee their consumption It presents multiple health benefits.
This new variety allows you to enjoy the flavor and quality of always with a more digestive and healthy formula. This is because this milk does not contain Beta-Caseína A1, a protein that can cause problems in your digestion.
The presentation event, held at the CLUN headquarters, in AMES, brought together authorities, nutrition and health experts, and members of the Cooperative, who highlighted Its impact on food and well -being of consumers.
The president of CLUN, José Ángel Blanco stressed the effort of the cooperative to offer products every time healthier and adapted to the needs of people. He pointed out that this “é a leite for every Galicia to be proud to be able to develop a coa súa innovation and quality product,” he said.
Pregnant women
The general director of CLUN, Juan Gallástegui, stressed that “a unique product was achieved through the incorporation of knowledge in livestock activity”, whose Differential value farmers, consumers and all the links of the chain will benefit.
For his part, Alberto Cepeda, professor of the USC in the Department of Nutrition and Bromatology, presented the benefits of the A2 protein in health and concluded that it is an exhaustive analysis of the entire process, which begins In fresh grass investigation that they are going to eat the cows and that ends up being the best milk in the world.
His department partner, Cristina Fente, referred to the benefits of this milk in breast milk and stressed that the first trial already showed significant differences in The lipid profile of breast milk with the increase in fatty acids.
Already in the following it was also demonstrated that the presence of TVA increases. When studying the milk only A2 ratified that it was proven that many pregnant women who had to leave the milk have taken it again and Babies present less digestive problems.
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