Do you like chorizo? This sausage, so present in Mexican gastronomy, is not only delicious, but also provides important proteins and minerals.
However, the The Federal Consumer Prosecutor’s Office (PROFECO) has detected some brands that deceive consumerss with regard to its content and labeling.
In its June 2024 study, PROFECO analyzed 49 chorizo products from different brands, finding irregularities in several of them.
What brands do not comply?
Less content than declared: Chata Bicentenario, Chata Ranchero, Extra Special, FUD, Lala Plenia, Parma Sabori and Peñaranda.
They do not indicate the percentage of turkey meat: FUD and Chata (chorizos with turkey meat).
They are called turkey, pork or mushroom chorizo but they also contain soy: Chata, Chata Bicentenario,
Chata Ranchero, Chata Rico, Chimex, FUD, Lala Maestros Parrilleros, Parma Sabori and Zwan.
They contain more fat than they declare: Chata and Reserva de la casa Chata.
They contain more kcal than declared: Chata House Reserve.
They contain more sodium than they declare: Conde de Luna (Argentine chorizo) and (semi-ripe chorizo), Chata
(ground mushroom chorizo with a mixture of chilies), Obertal (rancher chorizo), Parma (sarta chorizo) and Zwan (cantimpalo pork chorizo).
They present a legend that they do not verify: Delicatessen Obertal did not prove the legend “Delicatessen Orbetal”.
Does not warn of containing an allergen: Chata Bicentenario as it does not warn that it contains textured soy.
They do not meet all labeling requirements: Conde de Luna (Argentine Chorizo), (Chorizo Maduro) and (Chorizo semimadura).
They lack seal: Capistrano Selección (Spanish Chorizo) and Redondo Iglesias (Salamanca Chorizo in slices).
PROFECO recommendations:
Check the label: Check the expiration date, ingredient list, and net content.
Choose ready-to-eat chorizo: If you are not going to cook it, look for options such as matured or sliced.
Cook it properly: If the chorizo is not ready to eat, be sure to cook it thoroughly before eating it.
Refrigerate to maintain freshness: Keep the chorizo in the refrigerator to prevent it from spoiling.
Moderate your consumption: Chorizo is high in sodium, fat and calories, so moderate consumption is recommended.
Do not consume it if it has expired or if the packaging is damaged: Discard the chorizo if it has expired or if the packaging is damaged.
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