China, the Arabs… and the “global model of peace”
The Tenth Arab-Chinese Forum was held this year in Beijing and constituted a developed follow-up to the ever-deepening relations between China and the Arab countries, especially the main countries that have become the stakeholders and decision-makers in the region. This path, which began twenty years ago, confirms stability and continuity, with the will of both parties. It did not appear to be any problem that could hinder it. Rather, over time, it gained flexibility in approaching challenges and a mutual understanding of the necessity of establishing and building relations with a long-term future concept. China, which is rising with confidence and speed at the international level, has created a prominent position for itself, if not the most prominent among the poles. It does not forget that its openness to the outside world is still relatively new, and therefore it does not show a rush to obtain influence and gains, but rather focuses on seeing solid results that can be achieved. Building on it, as demonstrated by its careful performance in the “Belt and Road” project.
What is important is that it does not use pressures and conditions to break American and Western obstacles, but rather presents initiatives that are often developmental, and is betting on their positive effects within the framework of countries exercising their full sovereignty. On the other hand, the Arab side found in the Chinese trends, after observing and experiencing them, options that open up ways for it to achieve interests that it could not reach in the network of relationships that were previously available and did not always aim to enhance the internal security and stability of each of its countries, and without political conditions that are sometimes difficult to deal with from the outside. Without negative repercussions, internal or regional. After the Arab region went through many wars, whether civil or regional, in recent decades, which exhausted the economies of many of its countries, it is now looking forward to an end to this interconnected chain resulting from power struggles. Rather, more importantly, it is trying to emerge from this experience with new and different concepts from what it knew before.
In this context, it appears that President Xi Jinping announced that China wants to strengthen its relations with Arab countries to be a “model for global peace and stability” in line with Arab aspirations, especially since it also included a call for joint action “to resolve issues related to hotspots, and in ways that lead to supporting the principles of fairness.” Justice and long-term peace and stability.” These are principles and values. The months of war on Gaza confirmed the magnitude of the damage it was subjected to and made it irreparable or repairable, due to its genocidal intentions. Although economic cooperation is the most prominent goal of the Arab-Chinese Forum, the Gaza War had a dominant presence in it, not only because it was the talk of the hour, but because both sides demanded ending it and starting from it to making peace, as long as the old, renewed agenda had been on the table for decades, and there was international consensus. It is broad on the “two-state solution,” with the exception of countries that do not see an interest in ending the war, and thus in ending the conflict. There is no possible translation of this solution except by establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel and “living in peace.”
“The war cannot continue indefinitely, justice cannot remain absent forever, and the two-state solution cannot be arbitrarily overthrown,” the Chinese president said. Observers said that Beijing has just expressed its intention to have an active role in the Middle East that is consistent with the trends it has always defended. It has been calling for an international peace conference in the Middle East for some time and does not seek to inflame conflicts to achieve gains, because the gains will come when peace is established and not if it remains a floating ideal that is impossible to achieve on the ground.
*Writer and political analyst – London
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