It is the first Mobility Ordinance of the municipality of Murcia and since Thursday it has been published in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM), with an entry into force period of 15 business days. Thus, starting in mid-May, minors under 15 years of age will have to remember that they cannot ride an electric scooter in the municipality, unless they are accompanied and under the supervision of their parents or legal guardians. The ordinance also prohibits users from carrying any 'passengers'.
People with reduced mobility, on the other hand, have permission to use their wheelchairs on the segregated bike lanes, as the City Council accepts the allegation presented by this group. Neither scooters nor bikes are allowed to circulate on sidewalks – unless specific lanes have been assigned – or in pedestrian areas; If they do, they face a penalty.
The use of a helmet is mandatory on interurban roads and it is established that it is advisable to have civil liability insurance that provides coverage in the event of an accident for damage to third parties, personal damage or material damage.
The regulations, in article 27, include the possibility that any person can file a complaint against events “that may constitute violations of road safety, traffic, and vehicle circulation regulations.” This may be done verbally before the closest agents of the authority, “or in writing addressed to the competent sanctioning body” by electronic means.
The report must identify the vehicle with which the infraction was committed, the identity of the person reported, if known, an account of the incident, stating the place, date and time; and the name and address of the person reporting, although his or her identity will be secret.
#Children #years #age #ride #scooter #Murcia #midMay #truth