Child rickets is growing bone disease due to lack of vitamin D that prevents absorption in the intestine of calcium and phosphorus. These deficiencies favor the weakness of the bones that occur soft, deformed and with delay in development. It usually appears in rapid growth cases between 6 months and 3 years and due to overprotection in sunlight which prevents the generation of vitamin D naturally due to sun exposure. It is not a frequent disease despite the fact that the current habits of children entail spending less time outdoors.
Causes of child rickets
Lack of vitamin D
The most frequent cause of child rickets is the lack of vitamin D that favors absorption in the intestine of basic minerals for bone development such as calcium and bone. In children’s age, vitamin D proceeds mainly from exposure to sunlight as it passes time outdoors.
Other reasons that can favor rickets are:
– Celiacy.
– Inflammatory intestinal disease.
– Cystic fibrosis.
– kidney problems.
The main risk factors for a child to develop rickets are:
– Belong to black ethnicity.
– Mother’s vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy.
– Premature birth.
– Exclusive breastfeeding. . Breast milk does not contain enough vitamin D so babies should receive vitamin D in drops.
– Anticonvulsive and antiretroviral medications, which treat HIV, seem to interfere with the body’s ability to use vitamin D.
Symptoms of child rickets
Pain, cramps, muscle weakness and others
The signs that may indicate a case of child rickets are:
– The child complains with pain in the spine, pelvis and legs.
– There are cramps.
– There is muscle weakness.
– Delay in psychomotor development.
– Growth delay.
– Detition delay.
– Alterations in dental enamel.
– Deformities in the bones.
– Arched legs.
– Ankles and thickened dolls.
– Tendency to suffer infections.
– Increase in sweating.
Diagnosis of child rickets
Blood and urine analysis and image tests
Apart from the description of symptoms the pediatrician will take note of the diet, time that the child passes outdoors and the medical history that includes suffered diseases and medications that are being managed or not to the child. In the physical exam the pediatrician will gently press the bones of the child to detect anomalies; especially in the skull, legs, thorax, dolls and ankles.
If there is suspicion of rickets, blood and urine analysis will be performed, and image tests such as knee radiographs and dolls or other bones.
Treatment and medication of child rickets
Take vitamin D for 2 or 3 months
The treatment pattern consists of taking vitamin D for two or three months and with calcium supplements. You should follow up to check if the child’s agency responds correctly to it.
Prevention of child rickets
Take time outdoors
The best form of child ricket prevention is for children to spend time outdoors, to the sun. It is the best source of vitamin D.
You also have to make sure children ingest foods that contain vitamin D naturally as blue fish and egg yolk.
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