The world of football continues to mourn the death of the legendary Argentine coach César Luis Menottiwho died on Sunday, May 5, leaving a great void among his followers.
(You may be interested: Was Menotti pressured by Pablo Escobar to coach Atlético Nacional?)
Menotti, world champion as a coach with Argentina in 1978, was a teacher who spread his football ideas and generated an entire school of the game.
César Luis Menotti
Not only did he have admirers, Flaco also had his critics or detractors. One of them is former Paraguayan goalkeeper José Luis Chilavert, who had harsh words after Menotti’s death.
Chilavert’s mistreatment
César Luis Menotti.
Well, after his death, at the age of 85, Menotti received Chilavert’s response. The former goalkeeper commented on the video and said: “We monkeys are still alive and we don’t have drug-addicted children. In the 90s we caught them all with Vélez.”
Chilavet’s words have generated great repudiation on social networks, where they attack him for not respecting the memory of the legendary coach.
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