In a changing labor market where technology plays a fundamental role, the demands of companies become progressively more varied and complex. It is there where training courses within the corporations themselves come into play, since internal promotion helps corporations grow in their production and diversification of their functions.
What business formations are more appropriate?
With an increasingly wide range of options, it is essential to know how to choose the most appropriate center or institution to teach courses within companies. When making this decision institutions such as FEMXA occupy the top positions on the list, since it has become a reference of the Spanish professional educational context.
Among all its attractions, its maximum of offering innovative and personalized solutions for each case, either obeying the demands of companies, workers or unemployment people. This integral perspective has been the solution for employees and corporations to make a Match definitive and benefit in a mutual way.
Another of Femxa’s mantras is the ability of training to transform lives, beyond learning marked content. Once people find employment thanks to their studies and companies hire the ideal candidate, he must have the necessary tools to grow professionally, improve their employability and reach their goals.
Changing needs of the labor market
The constant evolution of the labor market brings with it an increasingly wide range of opportunities, but also of challenges. Common challenges such as sustainability or digitalization are added to specific challenges of each professional sector and make anyone who wants to be up to date, must be kept updated at all times. That is why FEMXA continually adapts its training offer to professional changes and the way in which they affect professionals and companies.
How do you get it? It seems simple, but it is not: the secret is to offer a catalog of educational programs in which all these skills are welcome. Thus, workers and organizations remain last and are prevented from future challenges.
Equitable access to training
But all this formative offer would be meaningless and value if it was not accessible to all. That is why Femxa has Free courses that facilitate access to professional training courses to both unemployed and active workers, and adapts to their professional and geographical situation. These in turn are divided into two types:
The subsidized training It is funded by public bodies such as the regional governments of each region or the SEPE, and are completely free for those who participate in them. Among its modalities are training on-linevirtual classrooms or face -to -face sessions, as a guarantee that learning reaches all students regardless of their origin or circumstances.
Instead, the bonus formation It is a tool that the State provides to companies to use their training loans and train their employees without costs through formations scheduled by each organization. This system is regulated by the State Foundation for Employment Training (FUNDAE), and adapts to the training needs of all companies. In addition, it is a free modality for companies, since they are financed with the annual credit for training that finances social security. This amount is bonus in the company’s social insurance, which makes it an investment without cost. Organizations that use this resource are also exempt from administrative procedures, since it is FEMXA who ensures that the process is fulfilled without inconvenience.

Employability -based opportunities
The improvement of employability is increasingly necessary in a changing paradigm, but it is also more accessible. Perspectives such as Femxa that take into account all the necessary factors help professionals and companies to progress hand in hand and benefit in a mutual way. On the one hand, it manages to improve the employability of workers, giving them the opportunity to access new job opportunities. On the other, increase the competitiveness of companies, and help them adapt to market challenges and to promote their internal talent.
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