Category: Health

  • Stem cells to produce insulin, first positive results

    from Elena Meli Encouraging data from two small studies showing for the first time in humans how implantation of differentiated stem cells leads to good hormone production in patients with type 1 diabetes in a few months A hundred years have passed since the discovery of insulin, the key hormone in sugar metabolism that patients…

  • Insulin pens, strips and glucometers: how many are due

    from Chiara Daina Obtaining a pathology ticket exemption is the first step in receiving blood glucose measuring devices. Supplies may vary depending on the place of residence Any patient with a diagnosis of diabetes (of any type: 1, 2 or gestational) has the option of receive from the National Health Service a series of medical…

  • Therapeutic writing, also a help for doctors and caregivers

    from Danilo di Diodoro Those who work in the palliative care sector, or those who take care of a sick family member, find it beneficial to write thoughts and emotions. Expressing moods or traumatic episodes in writing helps to re-elaborate and overcome them The pen, or more modernly the keyboard of a computer, could usefully…

  • Coronavirus in Italy, today’s December 4 bulletin: 16,632 new cases and 75 deaths

    I am 16,632 new cases of coronavirus in Italy (there were 17,030 yesterday, here the bulletin). It goes up like this at least 5,094,072 the number of people who have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including recovered and died) since the outbreak began. THE deaths today I’m 75 (yesterday there were 74), for a total of…

  • The hepatologist: “Portal to evaluate candidates for transplants and cut waiting lists”

    Increase the number of liver transplants by facing the challenge of emerging from the Covid emergency. And do it also with new tools, from telemedicine to a new portal that selects candidates for the operation in a simple and appropriate way. The hepatologist of the Sapienza University of Rome-Policlinico Umberto I explains this in an…

  • Omicron variant, 167 cases in 17 European countries: today’s data

    Omicron variant of Covid in Europe, others 58 positive cases in the EU countries and the European economic area (Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein), for a total of 167 cases so far, in 17 states. This was announced by the ECDC, European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. In Italy, the cases detected are still 9;…

  • Health, #afiancodelcoraggio is back: the Award that gives voice to ‘masculine’ stories dedicated to cancer patients

    In Rome, at the Cloister of the Commendatore, the fifth edition of the #afiancodelcoraggio literary competition was launched, dedicated, like the previous one, to women living with an oncological and onco-haematological disease. Starring stories about women, but written by male caregivers: partners, friends, brothers, fathers or children who live alongside women who are facing an…

  • For HIV, much remains to be done

    from Pietro Amante Global HIV treatment programs need to be extended and implemented to meet and support UNAIDS 2030 goals One of the most serious and unfortunately most neglected consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic is that too many patients with chronic or potentially chronic diseases (tumors, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, infectious diseases such as HIV infection)…

  • Covid, here’s what could happen with Omicron (and it’s not necessarily bad news)

    from Cristina Marrone A highly contagious new variant could have dire consequences. But even if it were to be less aggressive than Delta, it could lead to a peaceful coexistence with the virus The arrival of Omicron, the new variant of coronavirus identified for the first time in Botswana and South Africa and now present…

  • Fitness tips for asthma patients

    Fitness tips for asthma patients

    It is absolutely important for each and every individual to understand how to remain fit after suffering from a complicated disorder. asthma being a very common disorder that can be problematic for an individual also requires a certain level of attention. Particularly common for a person who develops ask mum fitness can be a challenge…