Catalonia takes one step forward in the restriction of the use of mobile phones in the educational system. A year after the Ministry of Education vetoed its use in the classroom (it was completely prohibited in primary and allowed only in high school and in high school but for educational purposes), the counselor Esther Niubóthat when assuming the position he promised to review the measure for the next course, he announced today that his department proposes to prohibit mobile at all educational stages, without exceptions, that is, even if the aims are pedagogical.
This will be the proposal that it will not be transferred to the group of experts created by the department and those that your department has just commissioned a report to set the strategy aimed at carrying out this and other tasks. The Generalitat Plan is to get out of the classrooms of ESO and Baccalaureate The device (now used for pedagogical purposes) and also proposes to remove the screens in the classrooms up to six years.
The counselor reported today about the creation of the Commission for responsible digitalizationcomposed of 50 experts and that will be responsible for reviewing the use of screens in classrooms and analyzing their effects on education. You will also be in charge that “evaluate the restriction of screens in early childhood.”
As neither has advanced, it is expected that the commission’s work will end “At the end of June” And there will be, in the face of the next course, a guide of good practices and recommendations for educational centers and professionals, and another for families.
The commission will have 50 members -among professionals and representatives of organizations on digital development and referentsdirectors of centers and teachers- who will contribute their experience to “help make a correct diagnosis.”
Two groups will be constituted: the first will be professionals from different work areas that “know the effects of the uses of digital devices and environments and their consequences” and that the diagnosis of the situation and the problems that have been detected in different contexts.
The second group will have professionals from Socio -educational areas that “know the use made of the screens and digital environments” in the school context, and will start from the initial diagnosis and prepare a part that gives accounts of the situation of the uses of the screens in educational stages.
The commission coordinator is the pedagogue Màrius Martínez And, among the members, are the biologist David Bueno; The university professor Seven Camacho -Auper of the Pla d’E Educació Digital de Catalunya 2020-2023-; The sociologist Alba Castellví; the president of the Catalan Societat of Pediatria, Anna Gatell.
In the opinion of Niubó with this new commission “there is one more step” in the regulation that had already been so far, which exclusively affected mobile phones, since now it extends to all the pAntallas and devices and digital resources in the classroom.
Currently in the SECUARIto The mobile is allowed when it is justified that a pedagogical and didactic use, so with this new commission it wants to assess whether it would be better to eliminate it directly from the classrooms and to be able to use other devices to do those tasks, ”reports EP.
In addition, an audit has been in charge of IVàlua to “evaluate how devices are currently being used” and what assessment do.
«It is necessary to establish guidelines on the use of screens; That is why we propose Stop to think To act, to find the balance between the necessary digital literacy – the need to know how to identify a ‘fake new’- and guarantee its responsible use, ”said the counselor.
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