Catalonia has seen its most luxurious seasons from the storm Glòria del gener of 2020according to what has been reported here, the Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya (Meteocat). Specifically, between October 25 and November 8, rainfall has dropped more than 50 mm throughout the country and more than 100 mm in most regions, except for Ponent.
They have exceeded 200 mm in many sectors of the southern part of the coast and pre-coast and 300 mm in the open air of the massís dels Portswith a maximum of 447.8 mm at the PN dels Ports station (in Baix Ebre, and located 1,055 m above sea level). The scarcest abundance has been collected in the north of the Val d’Aran and in some parts of the Alt Empordà, with 30 mm volcanic falls.
There will be extensive and abundant pluja between the divendres 25 and the dissabte 26 of October, both more than 50 mm to a wide central strip and ending at 100 mm to the voltant of the Garraf massís and points of the Prepirineu. This is the moment in which the three Pyrenees and Pre-Pyrenees begin to believe the most. Between the 27th and the 28th of October the pluja will advance from south to north and will be abundant in the third south and north-east sectors, with 90 mm at points of the Terres de l’Ebre and the Costa Daurada .
From December 30 to October 31 The most abundant pluja is going to concentrate recently at the extreme south and will accumulate more than 200 mm at the massís del Port. From divendres 1 to dilluns 4 de novembre important waters will be produced in the center and south of the coast, with a 100 mm prop at the points of Garraf el diumenge, more than 100 mm at the Camp de Tarragona points the night of diumenge a dilluns i novament.
On December 5 and November 6, storms and late afternoon storms will be released, especially in the interior and north-east, both more than 50 mm in some parts of Central Catalonia and the pre-coastal area. The night from the 7th to the 8th of November hi hagut storms to the Costa Brava that They have left more than 100 mm at the cap of Creus at the points of the Baix Empordà.
Intense blow
The flood has been intense at various times during these weeks, especially along the coast and pre-coast, especially in the south, but also in Central Catalonia. On the other hand, in some places they have managed to accumulate more than 100 mm in one day: 144.4 mm at the PN dels Ports (Baix Ebre) on October 30, in general falling with moderate intensity; 131.1 mm to Viladecans (Baix Llobregat) on November 4, of which 42.6 mm in 30 minutes and 2.3 mm in 1 minute, sent on the second richest day of the six 31st days, for darrere dels 139 .9 mm from 10-09-2002; 116.0 mm to Verges (Baix Empordà) between the 8th of the matí of the dichous 7 and the divendres 8 of novembre; 107.7 mm at Mas de Barberans (Montsià) on October 30, of which 40.0 mm are recorded in 30 minutes and 2.9 mm in 1 minute; 102.3 mm to Sitges (Garraf) between the 8th of the morning of the 3rd and the 4th of November.
There are sectors of the Terres de l’Ebre, the Priorat, the Garraf or the Baix Llobregat on which there have been more of these two weeks than in the gairebé six months immediately before, from May 1 to October 24. For example, Mas de Barberans (Montsià) has recovered 361.6 mm on the 15th and from May 1st to October 24th it has recovered 359.9 mm. Or Viladecans (Baix Llobregat), both 229.4 mm and 225.7 mm, respectively.
The PN dels Ports station (Baix Ebre) has reopened with 448 mm of weight over the course of these two weeks, largely between October 27 and November 4. A very notable accumulation, but this station located at 1,055 m altitude has collected higher quantities in men and women over the last 17 years, with 700 liters in March 2015, 514 in December 2007, or November 2014 472.
#Catalonia #luxurious #weekends #storm #Glòria #del #gener #lany