The Government Council has authorized the Competitiveness Institute of Castilla y León to make a contribution of 20 million euros to Somacyl to develop new industrial land in the ‘El Parralejo’ industrial estates in Melgar de Fernamental (Burgos), ‘La Gijona’ in Villamuriel de Cerrato (Palencia), ‘Vega de Alcozar’ in Langa de Duero (Soria) and the ‘Escaparte’ industrial estate in Medina del Campo (Valladolid).
The Government Council has authorized a monetary contribution of 20 million euros to the Public Society of Infrastructure and Environment of Castilla y León (Somacyl), destined to carry out the new investments planned in the Program for the Development and Implementation of Industrial Land and Business in Castilla y León.
Specifically, the planned actions aim to expand or develop industrial infrastructure in the industrial estates of ‘El Parralejo’ in Melgar de Fernamental (Burgos), ‘La Gijona’ in Villamuriel de Cerrato (Palencia), ‘Vega de Alcozar’ in Langa de Duero (Soria) and the ‘Escaparte’ industrial estate in Medina del Campo (Valladolid).
The Board has previously authorized two monetary contributions to Somacyl, of 58 million in 2022, and 23.4 million in 2023, with the objective of develop new business land to attract investments in the territory of the Community.
Industrial land is one of the fundamental axes for promoting industrial activity and also for achieving a better territorial balance. For its development, the Board has launched a program to develop in the coming years more than 14 million m2 of new industrial land in the Community, using the Regional Plans and Projects established by the Territorial Planning Law as an instrument of urban management. This program proposes 14 actions in the 9 provinces and foresees an investment of 180 million euros.
#Castilla #León #allocates #million #euros #finance #actions #industrial #estates