Castilla-La Mancha, through its Health Service (SESCAM), has launched a tender to acquire an ambulance fleet for a value of 551,392,303 euros.
Although there was a first tender at the end of September for a value of 540 million, the Manchego Health Service rose the offer this Thursday to the aforementioned figure. The contract takes as a start date on June 1 and will run until 2030.
In total, Castilla-La Mancha will acquire 658 land sanitary transport vehicles. To diversify the distribution, the contract has departed into ten lots, divided between urgent and non -urgent ambulances, which will be distributed among the five provinces. Specifically, they will be obtained above all advanced and basic life support ambulances.
The budget item will be 129,218,474 euros for Toledo; 133,813,332 for Ciudad Real; 118,268,061 for Albacete; 94,072,719 for Cuenca and 76,019,715 for Guadalajara.
Although it is unknown which companies will be presented to the contest, currently, in Toledo, the ambulances belong to the Finisterre ambulances, the first company dedicated to the sector in this community. In Albacete, Ciudad Real and Guadalajara, the service is provided by Digamar –of Sevilla–, which is part of the SSG group.
As stated in the specifications, all vehicles destined for urgent transport will be new acquisition, that is, its age must be equal to or less than 6 months. “However, taking into account the current situation of the automotive sector and its limitations at the time of provision and modification of new vehicles, a maximum period of 8 months is established,” is collected in the document. On the other hand, non -urgent transport vehicles will not be able to spend four years old at the beginning of the contract.
#CastillaLa #Mancha #puts #ambulance #contract #million