Cashier, cleaner or shop assistant, the Gijón City Council’s offer for unemployed women in the municipality

If you are a woman, of working age, unemployed and registered in Gijón, the Local Employment Agency, dependent on the Xixón City Council, has a wide range of training courses so that you can re-engage in the labor market. They range from cleaner in public buildings, to cashier and stocker in large stores or sales clerk.

These are the four courses offered by the Gijón City Council within its Local Training Plan, which is framed in the ‘Gijón Futuro’ social consultation agreement, signed with the social agents last March and endowed with 700,000 euros from the budget. municipal. Each of these courses offers thirteen places whose registration period ends on November 7.

From the municipal website, where these training courses are published, they define the Training Plan as “the set of training actions carried out in the Gijón/Xixón City Council, implemented by the Training Department, to promote lifelong learning and improve professional skills so that you are in a better position and situation for your access, maintenance and promotion in employment”.

The forum member Carmen Moriyón presides over a municipal government made up of two formations, hers, Foro Asturias, in coalition with the PP, headed by the Olympic medalist, Ángela Pumariega, responsible precisely for the employment area, whose general director, Carla Álvarez Sanjurjo is a engineer, rally racer and vice president of the Federation of Businesswomen and Directors of Asturias (FEDA).

The scandal is brewing in Gijón, with the opposition, the city’s Women’s Council and the unions UGT and Workers’ Commissions, signatories of the agreement, fluctuating between surprise, indignation and “I can’t believe it.”

And at that point is the councilor of Izquierda Unida, Noelia Ordieres, who assures that it is “absolutely scandalous” that the Xixón City Council continues to perpetuate gender roles and offer this type of courses with the aim of promoting the employability of women. women in the municipality. Ordieres wonders why these courses and not others or why the offer does not include, for example, training in professions in which the presence of women continues to be a minority, which is what is expected of a public administration, she points out.

Podemos spokesperson Olaya Suárez speaks of “sticky floors,” who accuses the Gijón council of “perpetuating the association of women with the most precarious jobs.” They also criticize from purple training that the training courses for these occupations are aimed exclusively at women and do not offer them other types of training, something that reveals “a vision of feminized employment typical of 60 years ago.”

The main opposition party recalls that Asturian women earn 6,590 euros less per year than men and represent 60 percent of unemployed people. It is the socialist councilor Carmen Eva Pérez who this Thursday also stressed that 84.3 percent of the contracts made to women in the region correspond to the services sector and almost 70 percent are temporary. Thus, the question is asked to what extent these courses offered by the Gijón City Council contribute to eliminating gender biases and combating these data.

“Faster salaries”

From the Feminist Tertulia Les Comadres, precursors of the Freedom Train Together with Women for Equality of Barredos, its president, Begoña Piñeiro, admits to being “flabbergasted” and claims, angrily, that it is the same as always, they continue to prepare women for jobs in which they have been corseted for decades.

Perpetuating women in precarious jobs with precarious salaries is what this type of training continues to promote, says Piñeiro, who claims that “it is time for training and salaries to change sides.” That is why she is committed to ensuring that women receive technical training that allows them to access jobs with “higher salaries,” like those that men continue to receive, she claims.

It demands a change in municipal employment policies, necessary for both men and women, because “any woman is perfectly capable of training as a plumber, painter or electrician.” For this reason, the support of a public administration in matters of employment must be carried out in another way, and that is by involving men in highly feminized sectors and professions, and women in masculinized sectors.

Les Comadres consider it equally important that training for employment is oriented towards the professions demanded by the labor market, given that there are sufficient indicators that determine them.

For example, according to the Vocational Training Observatory, with data from September 2, the five most in-demand professional families in Asturias, according to the number of women enrolled, are Health, Administration and Management, Sociocultural Services, IT and Communication and Electricity. and Electronics.

Begoña Piñeiro regrets the lack of a feminist perspective in the Gijón City Council, despite the fact that many people are full of talk about the femnization of poverty.

Immediate withdrawal of the Training Plan

The unions that signed the agreement and, therefore, of this Training Plan, together with the Asturian Federation of Employers (FADE), have also had to speak out. Victor Manuel Roza ‘Viti’, general secretary of CC.OO of Gijón, demands the immediate withdrawal of this plan and, if not, “we will remove our initials from the document.”

Withdrawal that the Asturian Federation of Entrepreneurs (FADE) also demands of the local government, and that if it does not occur, its initials will disappear from the signed agreement, as will CC.OO. From FADE, Carmen Moreno regrets that there are still people within the administration capable of “objectifying” women in this way and approving such images, which have nothing to do with the principles of equality defended by business employers.

Meanwhile, Toni Fernández, organizational secretary of UGT Gijón, assures that they will ask for explanations at the next meeting of the agreement, scheduled for November 4, and that the unions approved a budget item for training courses, including gender perspective and discrimination. positive, “but not this.”

The Freudian slip of Foro and Vox in their government agreement

Although Forum has worked hard to bury its government agreement with Vox after expelling the extreme right, in October 2023, the truth is that this agreement existed and Carmen Moriyón is today mayor of Gijón thanks to the votes of the formation of Santiago Abascal, when instead of a bipartite, in the Villa de Jovellanos a tripartite governed.

Before, of course, one of the ultra councilors, Oliver Suárez, decided that he no longer wanted Abascal because he preferred to go to the mixed group (Non-Attached Councilor in the town councils) and thus Moriyón kept him at the head of Divertia, the company municipal celebrations of the city.

Well, that agreement existed and in it, a “small” lapse, according to Foro at that time. Among their measures in the section on equality, they committed to redrafting the ordinance to eliminate “those aspects that imply equality between people.”

Finally, Carmen Moriyón managed to compromise before having to put this commitment into practice, although based on the employment policies developed by her government, it could well seem that the extreme right continues to be part of it.

#Cashier #cleaner #shop #assistant #Gijón #City #Councils #offer #unemployed #women #municipality

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