Cari Lapique, family and friends paid their respects final tribute to Manuel Lapiquedied on January 10 at the age of 70 after a long illness to continue a fatal streak full of losses painful within the family.
Many people attended the burning chapel installed in the Parcesa de la Paz Funeral Homein the Madrid town of Alcobendas, to say goodbye to Manuel Lapique. Her sisters, Cari and Myriam, arrived together dressed in black and with a serious expression. Also his niece Carla. None wanted to make statements to the press, although they were cordial and grateful. They asked for respect and understanding in these painful moments.
Misfortune has befallen the Lapique family during this last year. In the month of August, Cari lost her husband, Carlos Goyanes, and a few days apart also her eldest daughter, Caritinadied suddenly. And now comes goodbye to Manuel Lapique.
A family more united than ever
During all these months, the family has come together like a fist to support each other. Cari Lapique has counted on tHeard the love of his sister Myriam, his daughter Carla and his five grandchildrenPedro, Cari, Carlos, Santi and Beltrán, who are the joy of the house.
The Alcobendas funeral home also showed up many of the family and friends who have accompanied Cari Lapique in these times of anxiety. Thus, the presence of Almudena, daughter of Manuel, stood out along with Carlos Cortina, son of Myriam Lapique and the deceased Alfonso Cortina, his wife, the lawyer Carla Vega-Penichet, his brother Felipe Cortina and Amelia Millán, in addition to Antonio Matos, Caritina’s widower.
Carla Goyanes, daughter of Cari Lapique, upon her arrival at the Alcobendas funeral home.
Nicolás Vallejo Nágera, Tita de la Cierva, Marta Barroso, Javier García Obregón, María Tevenet, Nuria March and Maribel Yébenes were other well-known faces who wanted to accompany the family at Manuel Lapique’s farewell. «She is quite affected», admitted Maribel Yébenes when asked about Cari Lapique’s state of mind.
A successful businessman
Manuel Lapique was always one of the most discreet members of a family that was not much given to media noise. Businessman by profession, he was uA very familiar man and close to his two childrenManuel and Almudena, the result of his marriage to Sofía Tassara, from whom he was separated but with whom he continued to maintain an excellent relationship. The last time he saw him at a public event was at the funeral mass for his brother-in-law and niece..
The truth is that Manuel Lapique had a successful career and after completing his studies in industrial engineering, he became general director of Corpique, a company founded by his father, Manuel Lapique Quiñones, in 1952. His performance was such that in 1990 he gave a definitive boost your career by placing yourself at the head of the company to carry out real estate consulting jobs for some of the main national and international groups.
#Cari #Lapique #goodbye #brother #Manuel #surrounded #sadness #loved